~*Chapter 3*~

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Hehehe time for this chapter I'm freezing while
writing this 💀 anyway enjoy ✨


Daniela's POV

We could hear faint music as we where walking up to the house. So many people were there, it was quite surprising how many people actually live in this town. As we got closer to the door, I saw a boy with curly hair greeting people. I only saw a glance of him though because I was focused on finding Mirabel.

"I'm gonna go find Mirabel. I'll meet you guys inside!" I say to mama before my dad interrupts.

"Take the twins!" He says. Great. Now I have 2 crazy ones who I can barely keep an eye out on the open that I have to take with me. This is going to be a disaster.

I grab hold of the twins' hands and run inside, making sure I don't go to fast and that I don't let go. We should've put neon green t-shirts on them, that way we can find them if they get lost. But no, that's not the way it is.

Inside, it is full of people and once again magnificent, but this time also full of life. Literally. I ask the twins if they want a drink and they say yeah. I let go of Hugo's hand and he walks behind me to Adriana and they hold hand. God, they are annoying sometimes but they are cute.

On the way there I must've tripped on a cup or something, because the next thing I know I'm flying towards the floor. However, instead of my head hitting the cold hard floor, I hit a warm, soft thing... I look up to see a boy. The boy that was greeting everyone at the front.

"Woah, be careful. Don't want you hurting yourself... even though Julieta would just fix that with an arepa." He says, helping me get steady to my feet. What was I doing again? Oh right, looking for Mirabel.

"Do you happen to know where Mirabel is?" I ask, hoping to find the only person I know here other than my family.

"Last time I saw her, she was in the kitchen." He tells me.

"Where is the kitchen?" I ask, confused to where on earth it is, considering this house moves. He points behind me and I look but all I see is a crowd. I turn back to ask him more but by the time I look back he was gone. Weird...

I got the twins orange juice and they kept asking questions, like if that boy was my boyfriend. I don't even know his name! Everyone's attention turned to the twins when they tried to dance. It was cute because they don't know how to dance properly.

I just stood there and watched the twins, swaying to the music a little bit. Randomly, Mirabel showed up next to me. I was a bit confused but at least I knew where my friend was now.

"Hey Mirabel. Where were you?" I ask. She looks kinda nervous...

"I- uh- I was cooking with my mum Julieta!" She says. Something is off...

"Okay..?" I reply. Seriously, something isn't adding up. I turn my attention to where the twins were dancing, now seeing that they disappeared. Shit.

"Oh god. Oh no. Hugo! Adriana!" I shout, hoping they would hear my voice and come to me.

"What's wrong? Are you okay? Who's Hugo and Adriana?" Mirabel asks as I start to look for them in the crowd.

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