~chapter 8~

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An actual update from the Author 😱
Anyway I have been busy and I thought no one was reading this so I wasn't updating it but I've realised it started getting more views 👀 (and someone asked for more chapters and I mean as long as it makes one person happy)

Daniela's POV

"So, we can start the project at my place tonight." The boy in front of me said, leaning on the table.

"Actually I'm busy tonight, so no."



"We have to work on it at some point!" He said, unfortunately telling the truth. I swear to god...

I just ignored him and continued writing down what the teacher said on the board. I wrote on a note 'Mondays and Thursdays, 4pm at the lake. Don't be late.' And passed it to him. If I have to do this, I'd rather do it where none of my family or his family will be.


It was the last 3 minute of the last lesson of the day, and I was sat next to Mirabel. We both couldn't wait to go to the music room, it had been ages since I had played an instrument.

The bell rang and everyone ran out, except me, my brother, Mirabel and of course, Camilo. I put my stuff in my bag before walking out, linked arms with Mirabel as we whispered and giggled.

"Carlos are you staying with us or are you going straight home?" I asked my brother, curious to find out his plans.

"Well I don't have anything better to do so why not?" He replied, smiling at me and Mirabel. And with that, the three of us went to the music room.


We placed our bags down as me and Carlos stared at the room in awe. At our old school, the music room was small and usually full so we were rarely in there.

"I'll be right back, I'm gonna go to the bathroom." Mirabel said, putting her stuff down before walking out of the door.

We wandered around the room, looking at all the instruments. The room was so beautiful, it was amazing.

"¡Carlos! ¡Mira!" I picked up a guitar and started strumming a few chords. I haven't played a guitar in ages but playing it was easy. It's like riding a bike, you never forget.


Carlos picked up a guitar and we started playing together, a smile on our faces as we start playing the song we used to when we were younger.

He started singing the lyrics, I was mouthing the words with him. This brings back memories of when we were younger. When we didn't have the problems we have now. When it was sunny, everyone would listen to us sing and dance.

I started singing my part, enjoying the moment. Both of our faces were shining with joy, we were truly happy. It's been so long since Carlos and I did anything this fun together. We were both busy, we had different lives. But now we were joined together by at least school, our family and the music we were playing.

Just then, when everything was going great a silhouette was at the door. I thought it was Mirabel but no, it was actually her cousin. Carlos Madrigal. The moment I realised it was him I stopped playing and put the guitar down. (Either finish the music or let it play in the background, whatever you wanna do.)

"¿Estas bien? Why did you stop playing?" Carlos asked, looking confused. It only took him a moment to stop the figure he knew so well coming closer to us.

"I didn't know you played any instruments!" He said, smiling. Sometimes I hated his smile so much.

I didn't reply, I just walked over to the piano as my brother started talking to Camilo. They seemed to be good friends unfortunately.

I started playing a little song on the piano, one I learnt years ago but remember far too well. The boys stopped chattering and listened to me play. I loved playing this song, it was so simple yet beautiful..

" Is that you playing?!" Mirabel said as she entered the room and ran up to me. I stopped playing and nodded, smiling at her.

The next 45 minutes was just us playing different instruments, laughing and singing. I was happy that Mirabel was my friend, she was so lovely.


Once I arrived home, I flopped onto my bed and sighed. I was tired, there was no doubt about that. The doorbell rings but I can't be bothered to check who it is. A few seconds later there were a few knocks at my door.

"Come in!" I shouted, sitting up and crossing my legs. Eliana, María and Diana entered the room, smiling at me.

"How did you get here?" I asked, wondering how the hell they found my house. Did they stalk me?!

"Mira told us where you live." Maria told me. The three girls stood there, looking at my room.

"Oh, you can sit down, don't worry about it. So, why have you come here?" I questioned as the three of them sat down in front of me.

"We just wanted to get to know you a bit more and just like spend time with you!" Diana explained.

"Yeah, you seemed pretty alright." Eliana chirped in.

"Alright, sounds good to me. We can do a few things here, but we can always go somewhere else if you w-"

"NO WAY!" Maria suddenly said as she grabbed the book I was currently reading on my nightstand. "I'm reading this too!"

"You are? Oh it's so good, you have good taste!" I replied. After that, we all just had a conversation about the book. Turns out Diana and Eliana have already read it, so it was a nice conversation.

The rest of the day was spent with us getting along, finding common interest and laughing. Maybe it wasn't so bad in this village...


Ugh, school is boring. I woke up and did my daily routine, but something seemed out of place. Was it one of my brothers? Most definitely. Maybe it was the way Lucas had a grin on his face, but he is always smiling. Maybe it was the million versions of Hugo next to me (like at breakfast cuz yk nom).

"Ughh I have a banging headache. Today is not going to be good..." Carlos said next to me. I can rest my guesses: it's definitely Carlos. Every time Carlos said something bad about the day, something bad happened. When we lost our home he also had a headache and said something bad was going to happen. It was really weird... it's almost like he knew.

"Here, eat some more food Nieto (grandson)," Abuela said, putting more food on his plate. My brother just groaned and put his head back on the table. Well, today isn't going to be fun.


👀 yes I'm making drama
I don't know when I'll make the next chapter but I will at some point.
Thank you Camilomybae for encouraging me to continue
Bye <333

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