The Nowhere Island (P7)

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Why was he such an idiot?
Why couldn't he have seen this coming?
He could have stopped it.
It was all his fault.
She was dead, because of him.
Peter could feel the tears streaking down his face as the coffin was covered up.
This was real. She was actually gone.
Ned placed a hand on his shoulder. "She'd have wanted us to keep learning about them. This was their fault. We need to figure out what's going on."
He gave in to the tears and cried, looking at the grass under his black, laced up shoes.
"That's what got her killed... We need to leave them alone. They won't stop unless we leave them alone."
"No! We can't give up now! She wanted us to do this!"
"But she's dead! She's dead because I got into something that had nothing to do with me! Just leave them be!"
"Then they'll keep killing people!"
"I don't want them to hurt you! Or MJ! Aunt May's dead! You shouldn't be too!"
MJ appeared behind them, her arms crossed, seemingly having listened to the entire conversation.
"If the Avengers thought like that we wouldn't be here. Ned's right. We need to learn. And we can take care of ourselves you know, we don't need your permission to get ourselves killed. If I want to put myself in danger, then that's what I'm going to do. You know that."
Peter nodded, wiping some of his tears away.
"But, " She continued. "If you help, we probably won't die. We might still, but we probably won't. May knew that. She knew she was putting herself at risk by helping. And she did it anyway. Just like all of us. Because we're the good guys. We help people. So quit being scared and come on. We've got stuff to do."
She smiled at him and reached out her hand.

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