Happy Valentine's Day!

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Thank you everyone for the 1.25K I really appreciate it a lot. I love you all and I hope you enjoy my story even more. Also, don't worry, Striker will be in the picture soon. ;)

February, 14
Today is Valentine's day. I'm ready for school and right now eating my breakfast. my dad made heart-shaped pancakes with heart-shaped fruits with chocolate milk. 'Wow, dad is going all out.' Mom: "Oh honey! these look great! Thank you so much." She rubs her nose against his. Dad: "Anything for my dumpling." I smile at their cuteness. Mom: "I love you so much." Dad: "I love you too very much." Me: [chuckle] "You guys are too sweet for your good. this is hell and you both are so lovely dovely." Dad: "I'm sure your classmates are doing something special for today. Especially, with their special someone." Me: "Oh yeah. If fucking and making out and saying nasty shit is romantic. Especially, when everyone watching and--" Dad: "I heard enough." Mom: "I'm sure you'll find someone out there for you to live happy forever." Dad: "Nope. No. Dates." Me: [roll my eyes] "Don't worry dad. It's not like I'll be able to go out tonight like last year. Besides, I got Bass and you two will be out on your date. I love how you two are so lovely dovely and one day once dad is ready I'll have someone like you two." There is a honk outside. Me: "That's Blitz. [got up, put the dish in the sink, kiss my parents and Bass bye.] See you later, bye mom and dad."

Blitz: "You read bud?" Me: [got in the van] "Just drive Sir." Blitz: [drive to school] "It's Blitz, not Sir. You're not even working." Me: "Whatever. Anyway, your closing for the day?" Blitz: "Yup, there aren't enough crime or sinners who want to kill someone on this holiday." I nod. Blitz: "So, what do your parents have a plan for tonight?" Me: "their plan for tonight is to have me to you anything about their plan and to tell you to stay away." Blitz: [groan] "Oh come on!" We arrived at my school, I got out of the van about to walk in, but Blitz stop me. "Fight back squirt. don't let them get to you." Me: "Relax, they'll be busy making out and having sex in the bathroom to even bully me. To them, it isn't 'Valentine's day it's 'Fuck ya day'." Blitz: "I don't know if that's a good thing or-" Me: "I got to go, bye."

When I walk through the doors, I froze because there were so many couples making out and I tried to look away. I did see some giving out chocolates, flowers, saying nice things, and other gifts. I walk to my art class. Mr. and Mrs. Kill aren't here. Today is an easy day.

Art class
Miss. Itona the counselor teaching today, is more like a free class, but who am I to complain, It just means we get to relax. There are some students, who are couples, painting or drawing something that has to do with Valentine or a portrait of their partner. I only played games on my phone. Miss. Itona talked with students about her dates. Flame was talking to ED about how he plans to make today the most romantic day for Max.

Choir class
Mr. Data is subbing for Mr.Kills today. Just like with Miss. Itona we're having a free day. Flame talks with Ed and Max, who is between Flame's legs and snuggling against his chest, Ed talks about how he's blaming on giving spicy chocolates to Marin. All the other students mostly just talk, make out, or give out gifts. It was kinda boring, I listen to music and writing songs, only a page to be ripped because the song was terrible. I sigh and throw it in the trash can. Mr. Data is trying to make another invention.

English class
Mr.Furr only wanted us to write a poem, it can be sweet, but scary too. Flame and Max finish with their poem, it was about them and how much they love each other. That's what Mr.Furr wanted the poem to be about their partner and valentine's day. I was having trouble with this, but a poem is like a song, also he did say he wanted to be scary. I can make my poem to be scary and sad. I finished and Mr.Furr let us have free time.

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