Hospital: part 2

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5:00 am
My mom woke me up and got breakfast ready, and Bass ate with us. Me: [yawn] "Is dad coming home today?" Mom: "The doctor said we can. So, you gonna help him?" Me: "He might have a shot with someone meaningful and at least we won't be the only one who's "weird" or so what I heard." Mom: "Do you agree with them?" Me: "Of course not. I was just saying." She nod. Bass look around then patted my leg meowing. Me: [gave him a soft smile and patted him] "Looking for dad? He'll be home soon." Mom: "Poor little guy. Miss daddy, huh?"

Bass meowed as if he answered her question, we finished our food, got change, then put a leash on Bass, which he doesn't like, but we didn't want to lose him and head out of the door. Mom: "Don't say anything about this to your dad, but before heading to sleep, I called Blitz and have him get a cake for your dad for a welcome home surprise." Me: "Sweet! Dad will be surprised when he sees it."

As we were walking to the hospital, I saw a beautiful imp, she looked like a half bug and she was crying. I look at my mom, she nod knowing what I wanted to do. We walk toward her. Mom: "You okay?" ????: [sniffle] "Everyone hates me." Me: "Is it because you look different? [she looks at me] I look like an imp, but I have no tail. I thought I was the only one, but I guess hell works in its wonders." Mom: "What's your name?" Nani: "I'm Nani. I'm half bug from the Gluttony ring and half imp. My mother was an imp while my dad a bug."

Me: "Things will get better." Mom: "Plus, you are beautiful! Who wouldn't love ya!" Bass tug my leash and try to pull me to the hospital. Nani: "Going somewhere?" Mom: "Visiting my husband at the hospital." Me: [notice scratches and bruises] "Do you need help? You come with us." Nani: "No one will help me. I'm a whore." My mom drag her with us, Nani didn't want to go, but we didn't give her a choice. She was bleeding too.

We got to the hospital it was 2 hours away, but we took a shortcut. When we got there Doctor Terry walked toward us looking at his clipboard, not noticing Nani. "Patient Moxxie is waiting for you two." He looks up and sees Nani. His mouth is open and his eye widens at her beauty. I glance at both of them rapidly, I could feel my lip moving upward a little like a smirk, and an idea popped in my head. I push Doc T closer to Nani. "He will help you. [face him] take care of her. This is your chance, don't blow it." I picked up Bass in my arms and walk to my dad's room with my mom. We knock on the door and walk in. "Hey, dad. How are you feeling?"

Dad: "I'm feeling okay. They said I can be released today afternoon." Mom: "We're all glad sweet cake!~" 'Sweetcakes? That's a new one.' I took the lash off Bass and he jump on my dad's lap and start purring. Dad: "Love you too Bass." Mom: "You'll never guess what happen." Me: "We meet a beautiful imp half bug. I'm gonna try to set her and the doctor up." Mom: "He was goo-goo eyes on the sweet girl." Dad: "We might be able to change him after all." Bass meow agreeing with us. A nurse came to do a check-up on my dad. "We have done some tests and all seem well. We'll wait in the afternoon to see if he's okay to leave." She left.

My mom placed a bag of a small plate of her homemade breakfast on the desk next to my dad's bed took it out, and raise the fork to his mouth. "Say Ahhh~" My dad took a bite. I could see little hearts floating around my parent's heads. Bass and I look at each other and shrug it off. 'Their love is strong and I hope Nani and Doc T love bloom.' Bass meowed and tried to get a bite of my dad's breakfast, but I didn't let him. After he was done, we sat and talked about different things. Bass got on my dad's lap again then went up to his face and lick his cheek.

Dad: "Awww! Love you too Bass." Mom: [giggles] "When we got home, Blitz was covered in scratches and Bass wasn't having any of him." Me: "I have no idea what happened, but I felt weird yesterday when Blitz never followed us. It could be my imagination." Bass meow, jump off, go to the window, and take a nap. We thought he was cold, but Blitz was climbing the ladder. Blitz made it to the top and took out his camera. He heard a knock, looked up, and saw Bass in a fighting stand trying not to hiss loud.

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