Chapter One

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Sam woke up breathing heavily and sweating profusely. He'd just had another nightmare about Lauren. She was being dragged away by Crowley, screaming for help from Sam but no matter how fast Sam tried to run, he couldn't actually move his body. He looked around his dark room, running his hand down his face and through his hair, letting a breath out. Kicking the blankets off his lap, he stepped out of his bed and padded out of his bedroom and down the hall of the Bunker.

It had already been almost a month since Lauren disappeared and Sam was growing slowly impatient. They had zero leads, no idea what to do next, no clue where Crowley would have taken her. 

The Bunker was dark and empty seeing as it was four in the morning. Dean and Zoe were probably asleep. Zoe still hadn't told them what she was. It caused some tension from time to time, but mostly they all just tried to never bring it up. Sage and Gabriel had started hanging around each other seeing as they were two angels hiding from Heaven. Meg had gotten quite a bit better over the last month and her and Cas helped the best that they could, being outlaws and all.

Sam knew that they were all trying to help with the hunt for Lauren but he was probably the only person that couldn't sleep because of the nightmares and couldn't eat because of his loss of appetite and could barely focus because of the constant migraines. He only ever wanted to find leads on Crowley--leads that didn't exist. 

After brewing himself a cup of coffee, Sam seated himself at the table and tried to think of something he could possibly do to find Crowley, flipping through the pages of a book that Sam already knew wouldn't help him. 

And speak of the devil. Crowley appeared in the kitchen, at the end of the table, just as Sam was thinking all of this to himself. 

Sam was immediately on his feet, reaching for the knife in the back band of his jeans. 

Crowley rolled his eyes and held up his hands in a mock surrender. "Please, Moose. Can't we just have a nice chat?"

"A nice chat?" Sam hissed through clenched teeth, his hand wrapping around the blade of his knife. "Sure. First: let Lauren go." All he really wanted to do was gank the son of a bitch, but he couldn't without losing Lauren forever. 

"I don't need to 'let her go,'" Crowley mocked. "She came with me willingly and is happily learning all about herself."

"Willingly?" Sam scoffed. "Yeah right. What'd you do? Threaten her? Threaten us?"

"I simply made a deal," Crowley shrugged.

"And what torture are you putting her through?" Sam's heart twisted in his chest as he said the words. Crowley wasn't known for his extreme kindness. 

"Torture? Please. We are only exploring her vast capabilities. There's no torture involved. On my honor," he added solemnly, raising a hand in the scout's honor symbol.

"Why do I have a hard time believing you don't have her strapped down to a table somewhere so you can carve into her whenever you want?" Sam's voice cracked as he finished and he cursed himself. Luckily, Crowley didn't care to mention his emotions.

"She's my daughter!" Crowley cried. "I'll admit that I've screwed up in the past, but she's my second chance. I do care about Lauren. And you can blame your damn human blood for that." He sighed. "I only came here to tell you that she's fine. And to stay away. You don't need to--"

"It's been a month," Sam hollered. "Why are you showing up now to tell me this?"

"Because I want you to stop looking. It's annoying and you won't find her."

"Well I'm not just going to leave her with you!" Sam shouted at him. 

"She doesn't even remember you!" Crowley shouted back.

Sam took a step back in shock. "She...what?" He hoped--prayed--that he had heard him wrong. 

"You didn't think I'd deal with that little problem? I can't have her fighting with me about every little thing. I may know an angel or two that unwillingly took care of it for me. The last thing she remembers is getting home from school."

Sam back down at the table and stared at the floor in complete and utter shock. How could Lauren just...not remember? How could Crowley just erase the month that they'd had together like it had never happened? Okay, when he really thought about it, it had to be expected from Crowley. But it still hurt.

"You'll get over her, Moose," Crowley sighd. "Just...go hunting and move on. You have your brother and Castiel and Meg." He sighed. "Stay away," he warned. He disappeared.

Sam sat at the table for a moment longer, staring at the place where Crowley had disappeared. He didn't know what to do. His emotions were running high and he was functioning on very little sleep. He was so angry and hurt and just wanted to be able to relax, something he knew wouldn't happen until he found Lauren.

Sam was hopeless.

Hello my wonderful readers! Thank you for sticking through the annoying editing process and I'm sorry that this chapter is so short! Hopefully I'll be able to add more later. I just wanted to inform you that I'm thinking of writing a Percy Jackson fan fic so, for those of you interested, that could be a thing in the future.

Remember to vote, comment, and follow!

Love you guys!

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