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Malachi smiled at the four bodies hanging by their wrists in Heaven's prison. The chains were digging into their skin but they didn't mind; they were out cold. It was almost not worth it to keep these four around because they required feeding tubes and liquids and were high maintenance even though they were unconscious. 

Malachi gripped the shifter's chin and turned her head from side to side. He hadn't wanted her to stick around before but now that she was here he figured she should probably stick around. Malachi moved down the line of rebels until he reached the Anti-Christ.

She had a small frown on her face and her brows were furrowed in confusion or anger or both. Malachi wished for a moment that he would be able to see what they saw. The power of a djinn didn't work on angels and Malachi didn't know if he appreciated that or not. A djinn showed a person the thing that they most desired and sometimes Malachi wondered what he wanted the most.

Right now, he wanted to find God.

Malachi left the prison and headed through the halls where different heavens were hidden behind doors and souls sat sipping their wine or flying their kites. At the end of the hall, there was a door with yellow tape criss-crossed over the white door and there was a silver plaque next to the frame where the soul's name usually went. But this room wasn't for a soul. Malachi had chosen this room especially for a certain someone so that he could get information.

He tore the yellow tape off the walls and threw the door open so that he could step inside.

Sage was sitting in a chair in the middle of the room. Her ankles and wrists were strapped to the chair and there was a metal band around her forehead. Four needles were stuck in holes of the metal band and the end of the needles were digging into her forehead, little trickles of blood finding their way down her face.

Malachi made his way to her head and he brushed a few sweaty strands of hair from her face. "This really is a barbaric way to do this, Sage, and I wished that I didn't have to it this way. But if you're not going to tell me where God is...well, I'm really left with no choice now am I?"

Sage managed a weak but still angry glare in Malachi's direction. She didn't say anything to him but continued staring him down.

Malachi reached to the bottom of the chair and pulled a lever that pushed the chair up and into a sitting position. The door opened and Elisha entered with Diana right on his heel.

"You called, sir?" Diana said.

"Yes," Malachi nodded, gesturing for them to come forward. "I need you to twist this in a little farther."

"Sir?" Elisha's voice wavered, unsure about what Malachi was asking him to do.

"I need information from her and I need it now," Malachi growled.
Diana swallowed and stepped forward, gripping one needle in her hand and twisting, digging the point into Sage's head.

The scream that escaped Sage's lips was high pitched and desperate. She writhed in pain, thrashing against the restraints holding her down. Tears streaked her face and she screamed until Malachi raised a hand, stopping Diana from turning the spike further into Sage's skull. Sage panted heavily, gasping for breath as the throbbing pain slowly started to subside. But she only had relief for a few short seconds before Diana gripped the next needle and turned that one.

The screams continued and Diana continued to turn the needles until all of them had been drilled into her brain. Eventually, Sage's screams fell silent and her eyes widened, her pupils dilating.

Malachi leaned over the chair, gripping Sage's shoulders. "Sage. Sage, can you hear me?"

Instead of responding, however, Sage starting speaking in Enochian--stringing words together in random sequences. Malachi knew they were close to finding out all of Sage's secrets, including where God was hiding out, but they had to dig just a little bit deeper for that information.

"Go again," Malachi ordered.

"Sir?" Diana asked.

"I said go again," Malachi growled.

Diana hesitated but did start twisting the needles again.

Sage spewed another string of Enochian, but this one actually made sense. This one led him to God.

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