Chapter Three

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Zoe stared at Gabriel and Sage is wonder. Somehow, the two of them together had managed to get a better plan together in a matter of hours than the other five of them had in a month. The angels' plan was to find Crowley's home. That sounded like a large task until they explained their idea further.

Before Crowley was Crowley, he had been Fergus MacLeod and had lived in Scotland. But no one knew where  in Scotland he lived. So Gabriel and Sage  had gathered all the census books ranging from sixteen hundred to seventeen hundred in the Scottish archives and brought them here (along with as much Scottish sweets as they could possibly carry).

Sage looked up at Zoe and smiled, making Zoe look back down at her boring census book. They'd been at this for hours and she was bored. Sure she was tired and hungry and her butt was sore from sitting in the same stupid chair, but mostly she was just bored. She hated having to sit and stare at page after page of random names.

Now, don't get the wrong idea. Zoe wanted to find Lauren almost as much as Sam did. But this just felt like a waste of time, something that only made their hunt for her take longer than necessary. And again with the boredom.

Zoe fished her phone out of her pocket. "Oh look at the time," she cried. It was already six o'clock and, although everyone just looked so thrilled to be doing what they were doing (note the sarcasm), Zoe wanted food at least.

"What time is it?" Dean asked.

"Six," Zoe informed him.

"Who cares?" Sam said, yawning.

Zoe frowned. Sam should have cared. She understood his want to find Lauren but he needed to take care of himself too. "When was the last time you showered, Sam?"

He looked at her funny, an eyebrow raised in confusion. "Uh, why?"

"Because you need one." She pushed herself  out of her seat and motioned for him to do the same.

"I'm fine, Zoe."

Zoe raised an eyebrow now, putting her hands on her hips. "Sam. You are not fine so don't lie to me and say that you are. But you need a shower. You think Lauren wants you to save her smelling like you haven't showered in a month?"

Sam frowned, obviously defeated.

"Okay, now go get in the shower," Zoe told him.

Sam sighed and pushed himself away from the table. "Fine. I'll be right back."

"And when you get back, I'll have a nice chicken salad ready for you," Zoe told him.

"I'm not hungry," he insisted.

"Look at this face. Does it care?"

Sam managed a small smile and headed down the hallway.

"I guess I'm making Sam a salad. I'll be in the kitchen if anybody needs me." Zoe made her way to the kitchen and opened the fridge. Since Lauren and Zoe had started living with them, their groceries had actually increased. But, since Lauren had been kidnapped (or was it demon-napped?) the food in the Bunker had greatly decreased. Zoe hoped that they even had the ingredients needed for her to make a decent meal for Sam.

She got out as much food as she could and then opened a drawer to get out the silverware needed to make his food. As soon as she grabbed a fork, the metal burned her skin making her hiss in pain and drop it back in the drawer. She'd never had any problems with the silverware before...

She glared at the silverware. "Dean Winchester!" She yelled. She had nothing else to say, she was just mad. This had to be pay back for stealing all his classic rock tapes and replacing them with Lenka and Enya.

She could hear Dean laughing from the war room and an idea grew in her mind. She smiled and finished making Sam's salad, wrapping rags around the silverware so as not to burn herself further.

Leaving the salad on the table (no, she wasn't worried about Dean eating it because Dean wouldn't eat anything green unless Sam's life depended on it), she headed to her bedroom. Zoe pulled the key out of her pocket. She'd replaced the door handle shortly after moving in and was the only one with the key. She couldn't have anybody else seeing what she did in here.

Canvases covered the whole room. Some were on easels, some were just stacked against the wall. Sketch pads were piled on the nightstand and charcoal and pencils were scattered over the floor. To anybody else, it would look like a mess, but Zoe knew where every sketch and painting was and where every paint brush and pen belonged. She made sure to lock the door behind her and then made her way over to her bed where she knew her laptop was tucked in the covers.

Opening up her computer, she powered it on. She was what some would call a hacker and knew how to get in to a lot of computer systems. She didn't use her skills illegally, just in times of desperation. Like now.

She clicked away at her computer until she found herself in the Winchester's internet. All she had to do now was find the 'Parental Controls' button...

Scrolling down, she finally spotted her prize. She clicked it and blocked all forms of video. After exiting out and shutting down, she quickly returned to the war room from what she had told the others was a quick bathroom run.

She could only imagine Dean's face when he tried to enjoy his favorite past time and found it blocked by parental controls. It would be priceless.

Sam was out there when she returned and he was lazily picking at his salad.

"Sam Winchester, I made that salad special just for you. You had better eat it and appreciate it or so help me..."

He cut her off by shoving a huge bite of lettuce and chicken in his mouth.

She sat back down in her seat.

"Any trouble in the kitchen, Zoe?" Dean muttered.

"None at all, Dean," she replied.


Zoe only smiled.

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