Chapter Twenty

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Malachi looked at his computer screen, clicking through picture after picture of the Winchester brothers: Sam and Dean. But the brothers weren't alone. They rarely were these days.

They had picked up a couple new strays in the last month and Malachi's interest in them had peaked. Now they had three rogue angels, a demon, and a child of hell with them. Of course, they did have a shifter hanging around as well, but what good was it to Malachi?

Malachi clicked to the last picture--one of the Winchesters and Crew leaving a bowling alley--and then sighed, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest.

Catching these three traitors would definitely get him a good rep up here in Heaven. After his little screw up...well, he needed to find a way to make up for that somehow.

He scratched his jaw thoughtfully. The Winchesters weren't very discreet in their hunting or anything, but they had a secret hide out called the Bunker. Malachi wasn't sure how that place worked. It was supposedly hidden and warded but somehow they still got angels and demons inside.

The door opened and Diana walked inside, her gray pant suit weird in the blindingly white room. Malachi was expecting her because he'd called her over their angel radio.

"You called?" Diana asked.

"I want the Winchesters and all their...strays."

"Sir?" Diana was confused and Malachi guessed that she had every reason to be.

Angels had tried and tried again to stop the Winchesters. They'd tried the Apocalypse, high jacking their favorite angel, and terrorizing them after falling from Heaven. But somehow, the Winchesters were still alive and kicking.

And it wasn't as if Malachi was anything special. Malachi was just a third rate angel pretending to play with the big kids. He hoped that finally getting the Winchesters would make the other angels take him seriously.

"You heard me," Malachi said, leaning back in his chair and brushing invisible flint from the shoulder of his suit jacket.  "I want the Winchesters and all the random pets that they've gathered. I don't care how you do it; I just want it done."

Diana didn't move for a moment but, eventually, she nodded and left the room.

Malachi smiled to himself.

* * * * * * * * * *

Dean revved his engine, roaring through the stop light and across the intersection. His car was full with Sam and Lauren crammed in the back and Zoe seated in the front with her knees pulled up to her chest. AC/DC blared through the speakers, the bass rocking through the seats and vibrating them all as they drove through the town to the one and only diner in Lebanon, Kansas worth going to. It was the only one with pie.

Zoe groaned. "Can't you drive a little slower?"

Dean glanced over at her, his smirk fading as he saw her holding her stomach and basically dry heaving as he took the corner with his tires squealing.  He immediately slowed down. "Don't you dare throw up in my car."

Zoe threw a death glare in Dean's direction. "I told you I get car sick. You've known me for months and you still tried to drive like a psycho."

Dean didn't have anything to say back to that but it was okay because they up to the diner then. They all exited the car and made their way inside, the bell above their heads dingling to announce their presence in the building.

"I'll be with you in a minute, dears," a cheery, middle-aged, brunette behind the counter called out to them.

Dean nodded and led the group to the back to a booth by the window. In the blink of an eye, the booth was full. Gabriel, Sage, Meg, and Cas were sitting in the booth (Cas looking around rather confused, actually).

"Took you guys long enough," Gabriel sneered. "I thought with your driving skills you'd definitely get here faster."

Dean frowned and scooted into the bench across the isle from the crowded bench. "Yeah, well, I'd rather Zoe didn't barf in my  car."

"I wouldn't have thrown up in your car," Zoe countered, sliding in next to him. "I have a little more control over my body functions than that."

The brunette from the counter made her way to them and Dean saw that her name was Dixie. "What can I get for you guys?"

"What kind of pie do you have?" Dean asked, speaking before anybody else could.

She smiled at him. "We have pecan, cherry, apple, lemon meringue, and banana cream."

"I'll take a slice of apple and a slice of cherry please."

"Sure thing," she replied, scribbling it on the pad in her hand. "And for the rest of you?"

There was a flurry of orders ranging from coffee, to pie, to breakfast meals. They sat, enjoying their food until the lights started flickering and there was a high screaming sound, shattering the windows of the diner and making all the humans in the diner slap their hands to their ears.

"We have to go," Cas started, extending a hand towards the other booth. But a silver blade pressed under his chin and everybody froze, looking up to see new angels crowded in the isle of the diner.

"Hello, Castiel," the angel smirked down at him, pressing his angel blade harder against Cas's throat.

"Elisha," Cas responded. "What are you doing here?"

"Collecting you and your friends, obviously."

"Why?" Dean demanded.

"Because Heaven has been looking for the seven of you for quite some time and we have finally decided to take action," another angel responded.

Dean counted the heads of the people sitting in the booths of the diner and frowned. "There are eight of us."

Elisha looked over at Zoe, his lip curling up in a disgusted snarl. "What would we want with a shape shifter?"

Zoe glared at him. She was insulted but she didn't have anything to say about it because she didn't know what Heaven would do with a shape shifter.

"We need to get going," Elisha said. "Heaven is expecting us."

Dean frowned, about to say something witty and stupid, but the angels gripped their shoulders and they disappeared.

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