Chapter Five

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Meg was sitting in a chair with her feet propped up on the war table and a blow pop in her mouth. Gabriel and Sage were talking about something to quietly for Meg to hear and part of her was tempted to eavesdrop. But they were just two angels probably discussing boring Heaven things that Meg wouldn't be interested in anyway. Cas was sitting in a chair next to her, frowning like usual, deep in thought about...well whatever was going on in Cas's pretty little mind.

Sam walked in then. He probably looked the worst out of all of them despite his forced shower the night before. His hair was a mess and there were bags under his eyes. He had finally shaved last night after going maybe two weeks without it and he was actually starting to maybe take more care of himself. 

Meg pulled the blow pop out of her mouth with a pop. "Well you look like crap." She wasn't going to let the opportunity to mock the poor boy go to waste. Of course, she didn't want to really hurt him. Just tease. 

"Thanks, Meg." Sam smirked at her. Popping the lid off a small white bottle, he tossed some pills in his mouth and swallowed them down with his coffee. 

"How many is that today?" She asked, sincerely concerned. As much fun as it was to tease him, she stupidly started caring for Sam Winchester. 

"Just two, Meg. Don't worry." Sam forced a smile, hoping it would asauge her fears, but it was weak and Meg knew him better than that. She had possessed him after all. 

"And how many did you take yesterday?" She pressed. 

Sam did some thinking and then shook his head. "Meg, don't worry, I just have a headache. I only take them if I have a headache."

"How many, Sam?" Meg didn't care why he took them, just that he didn't die before they found his girlfriend. 

"Fourteen, okay? It's not a big deal. I was trying to work and I had a serious headache."

Dean and Zoe walked in then and Meg didn't argue. When Sam had first started taking the Tylenol religiously, he'd asked her to please not worry Dean and Zoe with the information. Meg had, since then, kind of become Sam's medicine police. She always gave him a hard time when she saw him popping pills--but she did it under the radar. Dean and Zoe worried about everything else.

Which was good because the two of them seemed seriously preoccupied this morning. Dean was glaring at Zoe from across the table who was smirking back at him.

"What's up you two?" Meg asked. She was almost afraid to ask. They were probably just bickering over Zoe's species again.

Dean grumbled something incoherently and his glare shifted to the surface of the table.

"Sorry, Dean, I don't think that they could quite hear," Zoe insisted.

"Oh, don't feel so proud of yourself, Zoe," Dean growled. "I have a system, you know, and you ruined my system."

Zoe's expression changed from one of triumph to one of disgust. "Please refrain from any details. I'd like to keep my innocence."

"What did you do?" Meg asked. Obviously this had nothing to do with what Zoe was so now her interest had peaked.

Zoe smiled again. "Just turned on parental controls for the Winchester internet."

Sam coughed from the other end of the table. "You did what?"

"Oh, not you too, Sammy," Zoe groaned. "You're so...innocent."

Meg grinned at the word knowing how far from the truth it was.

"I don't..." Sam hesitated before deciding that there was no other way to word it. "I don't watch porn, Zoe. But if you turned on the parental controls, I won't be able to get onto a lot of the sites I UAE for research."

"I only blocked videos," Zoe explained. "Dean can get on the sites all he wants but he can't play any videos."

Dean's ears were red and he was frowning angrily at his lap. "I'll get you back for this Zoe. I have plenty of tricks up my sleeve."

Zoe grinned. "I wouldn't expect anything less." 

Gabriel got to his feet them and clapped his hands two sharp times to get everyone's attention. "So, mere mortals, I have found Crowley. After much grueling research and the help of Meg's demon friend over in Frankfurt, I discovered where Crowley had crawled away to."

"You gonna share with the rest of the class," Dean asked, "or are you gonna make us guess?"

Gabriel smirked before snapping his fingers and peeling the wrapper off of the Snickers bar that had appeared in his hand. "Although guessing would be much more fun, it would take too long. So I'll ruin the mystery and just tell you." Everyone waited expectantly while Gabriel took another bite of his candy bar. "Fergus MacLeod's old shack of a home has long since been destroyed. But in the late eighteen hundreds, a very wealthy lord purchased the land where his home once was and built a large estate on that very land. Ten years ago that lords great grandson died in a horrible accident, leaving behind no heirs to the family home and the land went up for auction."

"So you're telling us that Crowley's hanging out in Scotland?" Dean asked.

"Yes. I even went and checked the place out this morning. It's crawling with demonic cockroaches."

Meg cleared her throat. She had no love for Crowley or any of his suck up minions, but she was a demon and 'cockroach' didn't sound like an endearing term.

Gabriel smiled sweetly at her. "Of course I mean no offense to anyone in this room. Just stating the facts."

"We can't afford to fly us all to Scotland," Sam mumbled, scrolling through what Meg assumed was airplane tickets.

Gabriel scoffed. "Sam, you have three angels sitting around your table. Who said anything about flying?"

Sam's ears turned red and he shut the computer slowly as he realized his mistake.

"Okay well, what's our plan?" Dean asked. Everyone was silent and he looked around the table. "Somebody's gotta have a plan. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not itching to go against Crowley without a plan."

Gabriel's smile suddenly grew two sizes as he spun to look directly at Zoe, a mischievous glint in his eye. "She can help us."

Zoe's eyes widened. "Don't you dare."

Meg had no clue how all the angels in the room knew what Zoe was but assumed it had something to do with grace and celestial beings and things that she didn't know about, being a demon and all. She knew that Zoe was a monster, but (because Zoe wouldn't share) she had no idea what monster she was exactly. Meg was starting to figure that Zoe kept it a secret now only to irritate Dean. It worked wonders.

Gabriel frowned, obviously disappointed. "Come on, Zoe, it would be so awesome."

She shot him a death glare. "Tell them and I will put itching powder in your underwear."

Gabriel held his hands up in surrender. "Okay, okay, my lips are eternally sealed. So I guess we're going with a head on charge?"

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