Chapter 2: The Senate Behold The Sith

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Chapter 2

The Senate behold the Sith

Currently at Imperial Palace, located on Dromund Kaas in the Capital city of the Sith Empire called Kaas City

Currently at Imperial Palace, located on Dromund Kaas in the Capital city of the Sith Empire called Kaas City

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- Kaas City

Inside the throne room of the Imperial Palace, can be seen Darth Destroya seated on the throne with Asajj Ventress standing on his left side. On his Right side is the Executor Darth Stor.

While he is seated below him are 6 Red Knights which were former Knights of Zakuul but now serve as protectors to the Supreme Commander, called Knights of Korriban.

- Knights of Korriban

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- Knights of Korriban

While the entrances and the High Admirals with the Grand Admiral seated facing the Supreme Commander Darth Destroya, are protected by Black Knights known as Knights of the Sith Empire.

While the entrances and the High Admirals with the Grand Admiral seated facing the Supreme Commander Darth Destroya, are protected by Black Knights known as Knights of the Sith Empire

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- Knight of the Sith Empire

Darth Destroya: "Welcome all but first let's keep this meeting short as i have other places i desire to be since my Declaration."

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