✿ Chapter 3 ✿

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No One Pov.

As taehyung took Jin to his house Jin's jaw dropped

" WoW itz shoooo big . Itz evwen biggar than my owld home . How mwany people libe hewer " Jin said

 How mwany people libe hewer " Jin said

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[ Front ]

" I live here alone " Taehyung said

" Rewally ?? " Jin asked

" Yes now let's go in it's cold outside " taehyung said unlocking the front door

Taehyung went in and Jin followed him in

Jin's jaw again dropped

" WoW " he said looking around the living room

" WoW " he said looking around the living room

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[ Living room ]

[ Living room ]

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[ TV ]

After getting in the house Taehyung told Jin to sit down and wait . He would go take a quick shower and change into something comfortable

" You wait here don't go anywhere . I'll go take a shower and come back " Taehyung said to Jin

" Okiee " Jin said sitting on the floor

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