✿ Chapter 19 ✿

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Everyone in the room stood there watching Jin and Mrs. Kim dumbfounded

" What is happening! Hunny do you know him ?" Mrs. Kim asked

" Yes hun ! He is the one I was talking about? " Mrs. Kim said

" He is the Kim Seok-Jin you have been chanting about ? " Mr. Kim said

All of them are know sitting now

" Umm what is happening here can we get an explanation eomma ?" Namjoon asked and the others nodded

Flash back ~

Jin was roaming around the park trying to find the people from his orphanage but couldn't find anyone

Suddenly he saw a lady in her 40s was about to faint and fall

He quickly went and was about to catch her before she could fall

He than took her to a nearby bench and made her lay there

He than took out his water bottle and splashed some on her face

She regained consciousness and muttered something

Jin than asked her " ajumma do u have diabetes?"

The woman nodded weakly

Jin than took out a candy from his bag and put it inside the woman's mouth

" Ajumma habe this ! It will elp you " Jin said

The woman did as told and soon she started to feel better

Once she is full fine she sat up and Jin joined her on the bench

" Thank you" The woman said

The woman is none other than Mrs. Kim

" Ani itz not a poblem " Jin said and smiled sweetly

" what is you name sweety?" Mrs. Kim asked

" am Kim Seok-jin" jin said he said but a small frown didn't leave his face

" oo So, jin how old are you?" Mrs. Kim asked

" I am 18, I'll tun 19 next month" jin said

"oo you must be very happy Yr turning 19 right" Mrs. Kim said

" eehh not rweally! I allwayz spend my birtday under the biggie fat tree in the front yad of my op-han-age" jin said looking down sadly

He can't find others from his orphanage and the thought of being alone at his 19th birthday again made him more sad

Mrs. Kim felt bad that the poor boy has to spend his birthday alone without anyone! She lso noticed the way he talked

So she figured out he is a little

" aww it's okey sweety! You know you can come to my house for your birthday! Just ask some to take you to Kim residence!" Mrs. Kim said and hugged the boy from the side

"rweally??" jin asked his eyes wide with shock and excitement

Mrs. Kim cooed and pinched jins cheeks " yes sweety" she pecked his forehead hugging him tightly

It reminds her of her own son taehyung

Jin melted into the hug, its been years since he got a hug like this

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