✿ Chapter 13 ✿

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Soon Weekend came time for Taehyung to reunite with his friends

Taehyung and Jin are in the living room watching TV

" Jinnie " Taehyung said

" Yesh Taetae !?" Jin answered looking at Taehyung curiously

" We are going out today " Taehyung said to Jin

" Rweally!!! Where areee we goin?? " Jin asked excited

" We are going to Jimin hyung's home " Taehyung replied

" Rweally!!! Yay 🎉 " Jin cheered in happiness

" Yes Now go and get ready! We'll leave by 7:30 " Taehyung said

They still had one hour 🕢

" Okiee taetae " Jin said and walked to his room , more like ran to his room

Taehyung chuckled and shook his head

His boy sure had some affect on him

He to made his way to his room

Jin Pov.

I got into my room and went to take a shower

Me and taetae are going to Minnie's house

I can't wait to wait Minnie

What if kookie iz there as well

The whole week kookie companied me when taetae was not at home

I took a nice long shower and went to pick wat to wear

I looked through the clothes taetae bought for me

I wore a blue hoodie dat had a whale on it and black pants

I looked myself in the mirror and giggled

Than I went out of the room taetae also came out of his room

He looked good , he always does

No One Pov.

" Are you ready baby ?" Taehyung asked Jin

"Yepp " Jin replied

" Than let's goo " Taehyung said and they both went out

They got into Taehyung's car

" Your seatbelt is not hocked properly baby " Taehyung said

" Huh ?" Jin said struggling to hock it properly

Taehyung unlocked his own seatbelt and leaned in fix Jin's seatbelt

Seeing Taehyung Soo close Jin blushed

It's not that they have not been close but not as close as now

Taehyung and Jin's faces were only a few centimeters apart from each other

Taehyung hocked Jin's seatbelt and looked up

Their eyes met and they stare at each other

Taehyung Pov.

I hocked Jin's seatbelt and looked up

Our faces were only a few cm apart

I stared at his beautiful brown eyes

He looks cute and beautiful

I lost control and started to lean

Our lips met , his lips are Soo soft and smooth

And our lips fitted so perfectly as if they were made to be like this

I saw his eyes go wide I was about to pull away

But he slowly closed his eyes

I cupped his face with my right hand and kissed him deeply

I slowly started to move my lips and after a while he got the hang of it and he also started to move his lips

After a minute or two I pulled away and looked at his now flustered face

His face is red like a cherry 🍒

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End of chapter 13

Sorry I had exams and couldn't update

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