✿ Chapter 20 ✿

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It's been two weeks since Jin's birthday

" Jinnie be quick baby ! Eomma appa are gonna be here any moment" Taehyung shouted

" I am readyyy " Jin said jumping up and down in excitement

Taehyung smiled seeing his fiance so excited

" Bye the way where are we goin ?" Jin asked staring at Taehyung with big doe eyes

" We are gonna go buy our suit for the wedding" Taehyung said and smiled at Jin

Jin blushed " our wedding?" Jin said whisperer but Taehyung heard it

" Yes baby our wedding ! You didn't forget that our wedding is in a week and 2 days right?" Taehyung asked

" Anii I diden forget! How can I foget itz our weddin " jin said shaking his head

Taehyung smiled at the thought their wedding

" Good so now let's go " Taehyung said as they heard Taehyung's parents car has arrived

Taehyung and Jin are getting married in 2 days and everybody is really happy

" Okieeee " Jin said and they both went inside the elder Kim couples car

They went to a fancy looking store

" Jin Tae you two will choose anything you want as it's your wedding and we are gonna help " Mrs. Kim said

" Okey eomma " Taejin said in union

Once they are inside the shop Taehyung's father helped Taehyung and Taehyung's mother helped jin

Jin like a suit and showed it to Mrs. Kim

" Eomma how iz it ?" Jin asked showing the suit to Mrs. Kim

" Aww sweetheart it would look great on you " Mrs. Kim said and pinched Jin's cheeks

" Thank you eomma " Jin said and blushed

After that Jin and his soon to be mother in law went to the cash counter and saw Taehyung and his father also present there

" You guys done choosing" Mr. Kim asked

" Yes ! You !?" Mrs. Kim said

Mr. Kim nodded

After paying the elder Kim couple went to buy the wedding rings leaving Jin and Taehyung to go back home

Two days later .

Its finally the day when taejin are gonna get married

Taehyung is pacing back and forth in his dressing room

" gosh dude calm your horses down " Yoongi said

" How can I yoongs it's my freaking wedding " Taehyung said

" Yes it's ur wedding not world war 4 " Yoongi said

" Whate- " before Taehyung could finish his sentence his father came

" Taehyung son it's time " Mr. Kim said

Taehyung nodded his hands start to shake with cold sweat

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