✿ Chapter 4 ✿

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The next day Taehyung woke up as usual and did his morning routine

He took a nice warm shower and got dressed in some black pants and grey hoodie

He than went down stairs to make breakfast but got shocked to see breakfast already served in the dining table

He got confused about who made the breakfast than the events of last night came to his mind

But he didn't saw Jin anywhere in the room

" Jinnie where are you ??"  He called twice but didn't get any answer

He got worried and started looking around

He felt relieved when he saw Jin cleaned the dishes in the kitchen

He went and hugged him from the back

Jin got startled but relaxed when he saw it's his Hyung

" Gwood mornin hyungie "  Jin said with a smile 😁

" Good morning jinnie " Tae greeted back " You made breakfast?" He asked

" Yep iz it nwot gwood ?" Jin asked rubbing his nape

" Ahh it's not like that . I didn't eat it actually " Taehyung replied

" OoooO " Jin said

" Let's go I wanna eat with you " Taehyung said

" Okie " Jin said and dried his hands on his clothes

" You shouldn't wipe ur hands on ur clothes " Taehyung said

" But I alwas wipe my hawnds like thiz " Jin said

" Ok but don't wipe ur hands on ur clothes from now on okey ? " Taehyung asked

" Aye aye captain " Jin said and saluted with his left hand

Taehyung laughed " ur so cute "  he said and pinched Jin cheeks, Jin pouted

" Let's go eat .I wanna test ur cooking "
Taehyung said

They both went to the dining room. The room was white themed with a big painting  , the table was big with eight chairs

 The room was white themed with a big painting  , the table was big with eight chairs

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" Chu know ur house iz shoo big I will gwet lost someday " Jin said with a pout

" It's okey I'll show you the whole house after eating than you won't get lost . But if u do I'll find you okey "

Taehyung said and showed his box smile 😁

They had their breakfast while talking

Jin asked Taehyung tons of questions which taehyung answered patiently

Time skip after breakfast.

" WoW jinnie ur cooking is amazing " Taehyung said

" Rweally" Jin asked

" Yep " Taehyung replied

" Than q " Jin said and took the plates in the kitchen

He was about to start washing them but Taehyung stopped him

" Just put them in the dishwasher " Taehyung said

" Okie " Jin said

After putting the dishes in the dishwasher Taehyung gave Jin a hoodie and sweatpants and told Jin to take a shower

Jin did as he was told and after taking a nice warm shower he came out

Taehyung smiled seeing Jin almost drowning in his clothes

" Aaa Hyung they are shoo Bigg " Jin said

" I see okey than let's go shopping " Taehyung said

" Rweally yay we are going to shopping " Jin said exited

Taehyung stared at him with adore

" Wait here I'll get changed real quick " Taehyung said and changed

Than they went to shopping

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End of chapter 4

Hope you all like it

sorry for late update

Have a nice day cupcakes

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