✿ Chapter 7 ✿

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The Next Day.

Jin woke up and did his morning routine today he isn't in his baby space

He brushed his teeth , took a quick shower and wore one of the clothes they bought yesterday

He went to the kitchen and started making breakfast for both of them

Suddenly he felt a pair of masculer arms wrapped around his waist

" Good morning jinnie " Taehyung said while back hugging the younger

" Good morning Hyung " Jin said thanks to god that his back was facing taehyung or he might think Jin is a tomato 🍅

" Your making breakfast ? " Taehyung asked

" Yep . It will take sometime so you have to wait a little bit  " Jin said and showed a little with his hand 🤏🏼

" Wow ur not stuttering and forming every word perfectly today " Taehyung said a bit confused 🤔

Jin giggled " I am not in little space now " Jin said

Taehyung made an 'o' face

" Okie the food is done let's eat " Jin said and handed Taehyung a tray and smiled 😊

Taehyung took the tray and smiled back 😁 " okey than let's go " Taehyung said and they made their way in the dining room

They sat across each other and started eating

They sat across each other and started eating

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[ Food ]

" Jin do you stay in little space always or sometimes ? " Taehyung asked

" Ani I stay in little space almost always but sometimes I stay normal " Jin said and looked at his lap

" What's wrong ?" Taehyung asked seeing the suddenly change of behavior

" Why r u being so nice to me ? No one ever treated me like you do .

In school everyone bullied me and in the orphanage people treated me like a survent just because of my condition "

Jin said , big fat tears threatening to fall anytime

Taehyung felt bad for Jin . Poor boy had to go through so much . He also felt angry towards those who treated Jin badly

Taehyung went beside Jin and lifted his head . He smiled and wiped the tear that managed to escape Jin's eyes

" Don't worry baby ! Hyung is always here for you . No can do anything to you " Taehyung said and pecked Jin's forehead

Jin blushed a deep shade of red 🍒 and nodded

Taehyung smiled and went back to his seat

They ate food and today Taehyung had to go to office so he got ready and went to work

But before going he promised Jin he'll be back before 8:30 pm

Now Jin is all alone in the house . He looked around the house

Jin watched TV show, ate some snacks and had lunch

It's afternoon and he noticed that clouds are starting to form

He thought maybe it will rain so he closed the windows so water won't get in the house

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End of chapter 7

Sorry cupcakes for not updating for such long time

I was just really busy

With hospital , tests etc


Have a nice day

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