✿ Chapter 14 ✿

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Warning ⚠️
Long chapter

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No One Pov .

Taehyung started at Jin

The next minute was completely silent for them

" I-i'am  sorry " Taehyung said looking at his lap

" Huh ?" Jin asked puzzled as he was in daze due to the kiss

" I'm sorry ! I shouldn't have done that !! Sorry if I made u uncomfortable" Taehyung said thinking if he made Jin uncomfortable

" Itz okiee !! It atually felt .... Good " Jin said looking everywhere except Taehyung as his face turned 50 shades of red

" Really!!?" Taehyung asked staring at Jin

Jin nodded . Taehyung gave him a big box smile  and Jin smiled back at him

" Baby u ready !?" Asked Taehyung while starting the car

" Yes Taetae !!" Jin replied

Than they both started for Jimin's house

The ride was silent with Taehyung stealing small glaces at Jin from time to time

On the other hand Jin stared outside with big curious doe eyes looking at each and everything

After a long 40 minute ride they reached Jimins house

" We are here !!" Taehyung announced

Jin practically ran out of the car to see jimin as he missed Jimin a lot

" Be careful!!" Taehyung said and chuckled seeing how excited Jin was

They both stood Infront of the front door

Taehyung rang the bell

" Coming" a voice said from inside

They waited for the door to open and when the door finally opened

Taehyung smiles a little and Jin frowned

A man as tall as Jimin opened the door and hugged Taehyung

Taehyung hugged back

Jin stared at the two puzzled and curiously

" Hello Yoongi Hyung good evening!" Taehyung greeted the man

" Hello tae good evening to you to " Yoongi greeted back

" Who r u ?? Where iz my Minnie hyungie ?? Chu didn't kipnap my Hyung right " Jin bomberd Yoongi with questions with a shocked face

" I am here jinnie " out of nowhere Jimin came and opened his arms for Jin

Jin smiled widely and jumped into Jimin's arms clinging to him like a koala

" Minnie hyungggie I missed you" Jin said

" I missed u to jinnie " Jimin said

" But chu didn't come to visit me " Jin said with a pout still clinging to Jimin

" Aww am sorry jinnie " Jimin said and pinched his cheeks

" No hugs for me ! U to bad !" Jungkook said standing beside the two with a fake sad expression

Jimin smacked his head and Jungkook rubbed his head

" Why you always like this " Jungkook said

" Caz you deserved it " Jimin said with a grin

Jungkook pouted and the two stared bickering but stopped when they heard a sweet giggling sound

They turned their head towards Jin who stopped giggling and looked at them

" Solly hyungie but chu two looked cute " Jin said

" It's okeyyy " they said in union

" But I still didn't get my hug " Jungkook said

Jin giggled again and hugged Jungkook like a baby koala hanging to it's mother

" Now chu can't say chu didn't get a huggie " Jungkook said hugging Jungkook

Jungkook hugged back holding him tightly so that he doesn't fall

" Sure I can't" Jungkook said

" Umm what is going on and who is this person hugging Jungkook?" A puzzled Yoongi said soon Namjoon and hoseok also joined

" Oh how who is this beauty ?" Hoseok asked and Jin looked at Hoseok

Jin got down from Jungkook and tugged hoseok's shirts sleeve asking for him to pick him up

Jin made cute puppy face and who is Hoseok to say no

" Aww ur Soo cute !!" Hoseok said and picked. Jin up

Both hoseok and Jin felt a kind of bond between each other

Everybody cooed at the cute scene

" Can someone answer my question ?" Yoongi said

Jimin smacked Yoongi's head

" What was that for ?!" Yoongi asked

" He is not just a person he is Jin " Jimin said

" OoO so he is Jin whom you have been nagging me saying that you missed him everyday " Yoongi said

" Yes " Jimin said and nodded

" Jungkook is he the one u were talking about ? " Hoseok asked his brother

Jungkook has been telling Hoseok everything everyday after he returns home from tae and Jin's house

" Yes Hyung " Jungkook nodded and showed a bunny smile

Taehyung felt happy seeing Jin so happy with his brother-in-law and friends

" Hyung can we like sit somewhere my legs hurt " Taehyung said

" Sure everyone let's go " they all went and sat in the huge living room floor in a circle

Jin sat between Hoseok and Jimin which kinda made Taehyung jealous as he wanted jin to sit beside him

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Hello guys my exams are finished finally and I got time to update

Hope you all like it

Please vote and comment it means a lot ❤️😁

Have a great day

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