✿ Chapter 5 ✿

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Taehyung and Jin went to shopping. Taehyung bought Jin to one of the malls he has invested

" Wow itz sho big " Jin said looking at the mall

" Do you like it ?" Taehyung asked

" Yesh but why we here . Didn't chu said we r goin to shopping?" Jin asked

" Yeah we r here for shopping . Why  " Taehyung said . He was curious why Jin asked why they r here

" We can alcho buy clothes here ? I thougt we can only buy clothes froome the thrif store " Jin said

" Yes baby we can also buy clothes from here now shall we go in " Taehyung said

His eyes started to fill with tears thinking . Here he and his friends were shopping and wasting money while there was Jin who never even saw a mail

" Taetae chu crying ?? Did chu get hurt" Jin asked with wide eyes as he saw a tear escaped Taehyung's eyes

Taehyung quickly wiped his eyes and smiled " no baby taetae is fine maybe some dust got into my eyes "

" Okie " Jin said and hold Taehyung's hand

They in and taehyung bought Jin an ice cream as Jin wanted one

then they went to different shops bought some clothes

Taehyung smiled as he saw his favorite shop Gucci

" Let's go baby " taehyung said and they both went in

" Wow this shop Shoo big " Jin said

" You can choose anything you want I'll be behind you " taehyung said gesturing Jin to look around

" Okie but don leabe mew " Jin said as he looked around

Suddenly Taehyung got a call he saw Jin curious looking around so he thought not to disturb him

Taehyung came back from the call and what he saw made his blood boil

Time before Taehyung came back form the call

Jin saw something that he found beautiful and thought of buying it

He turned around to asked Taehyung if he could buy it but he didn't say taehyung anywhere

He panicked and started looking around when a man came Infront of him

" Hey beautiful looking for something ?" The man asked

" Yesh am looking for hyungie but can't find him " Jin said

" Come with me I'll find ur Hyung for you " the man said and grabbed Jin by his waist

Jin didn't like how the man touched him so he struggled to get out of the man's grip

" L-let me go I'll find hyungie by myself" Jin said but he man gripped on Jin even tightly


Taehyung saw a man pinned Jin's hands above his head and trying to kiss him

He quickly went to that man and punched him

" What the fuck " the man groaned and fall on the ground due to the impact of the punch

Taehyung got on top of him and started punching him non stop

A shout stopped him

" Stop h-hyung he'll d-d-die " Jin said as he sobbed loudly sitting on the ground

Taehyung's eyes widen and he quickly went to Jin trying to comfort the crying boy in his arms

After Jin stopped crying a woman came to them

" Am really sorry sir for what happened . We have handed the man to the police . Am really really sorry" the woman said

" Hmm it's okey . Get what he wanted packed " taehyung said coldly sending a shiver down the woman's spine

He handed her a card

After getting his card and clothes they went to their car

" R u okey baby " taehyung said

" Yesh Hyung am okie but am hungy " Jin said and pouted

Taehyung smiled and pinched Jin's cheeks

" Okie than let's get you something to eat" taehyung said and opened the car door for Jin

Jin hopped into the pasanger sit and taehyung went to the driving seat

They ate their lunch in a restaurant

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End of chapter 5

hope you all like it 

Chapter 6 will be updated today so stay turned

Have a nice day cupcakes ❤️😃

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