✿ Chapter 8 ✿

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Taehyung came back from the office smiling thinking what Jin maybe doing

He parked the car and stood Infront of the main door he rang the bell but the door didn't open

It was raining heavily with lightning

He rang the bell continuesly it's was cold but he was more worried something might have happened to Jin

After ringing the bell for about 20 times he remembered he had the key

He quickly oped the door and looked around but there was no sign of Jin

He than went to Jin's room and his heart broke into a million pieces

He saw Jin on the floor formed into a ball , hugging his knees and crying his heart out

He quickly went to the crying boy and hugged him

" What happened baby ? Shh Hyung is here don't worry !!" He tried to calm the crying boy

Jin relaxed a bit seeing his Hyung hugging him

But he started crying his heart out again this time hugging taehyung

" H-h-hyu...ng " Jin said and kept crying

" Shh baby it's okey hyung is here . Shh " taehyung said trying his best to comfort the crying boy

After Jin calmed down and stopped crying Taehyung put him on the bed and kneed Infront of him

" what happened baby why were you crying ?" taehyung asked

" Baby s-scare of l-lightnin " Jin said and was about to cry again but Taehyung hugged him

" Am sorry baby I should have come earlier but those meetings and stuff . Am sorry don't cry Hyung is here " Taehyung said

After sometime Taehyung took Jin to the bathroom and wiped his face with a wet towel

Than he took Jin to his room as Jin was clinging to his like a baby koala

After a lot of tries Taehyung managed to put Jin and his bed and went to fresh up

He took a quick shower and came out as he came out Jin again cling to him like a koala

" Jinnie baby please sit here Hyung needs to cook dinner " Taehyung said

" No no no " Jin said

" Please " Taehyung said with puppy eye

" Fineeee " Jin said with a big pout and sat on the sofa

Taehyung than went to the kitchen and prepared food for both of them

After done cooking Taehyung went to Jin and they started eating

Suddenly a lightning fell and Jin jumped and hugged Taehyung tightly

" Shh it's okey hyung is here " Taehyung said

After dinner they both went to their rooms and did their night routine

Taehyung was about to fell asleep but he heard a knock

" Come in " he said

The door knob twisted and he saw Jin standing there with a pillow

" Cwan I shleep wit you ?" Jin asked in a baby voice and Taehyung nodded smiling at him

Jin came and laid beside taehyung. Taehyung hugged him and they both slept that night in each other's warmth

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End of chapter 8

Hope you all like it

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