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she lives in daydreams with me
she's the first one that i see
and i don't know why
i don't know who she is

- she : harry styles


(relevant to chapter 17 of the tokyo revengers manga)


y/n had gotten a call from hina earlier, saying takemichi had gotten admitted to the hospital. she was originally going to go visit him, but she got a call from takuya saying that he, akkun, yamagishi and makoto were going to visit him at his house later, so she agreed to go with them.

when they got there, takemichi's mother let them in and they headed to his room.

"we all came to check on you and you're not even hurt hurt anymore?" yamagishi complained.

"yeah, i'm all good now." he grinned.

"what happened?" y/n asked.

"you tangled with mobius right?!" takuya said.

"uh... yeah." he responded, even though it was actually a member of toman that beat him up.

"i'm surprised you're still alive." akkun said, and y/n agreed.

"wasn't that conflict supposed to be on the 3rd? how come it's already over?" y/n wondered out loud.

"yeah, mobius got totally destroyed." yamagishi added.

"the cops got the guy who led kiyomasa-kun's division, didn't they?!" makoto exclaimed.

"yeah..." takemichi paused for a moment, thinking, "have mikey-kun and draken-kun... been fighting?"

they were all sat down now. y/n was in between takuya on the carpet, and takemichi, who was sitting on his desk chair.

"yeah.. looks pretty serious. toman's gonna split in two any day now." akkun told them.

y/n's eyes widened. she didn't know that. did that mean draken was still going to die?

"i knew it..." takemichi said.

"pffft!" the boys all started laughing, and takemichi and y/n sat there, confused.


"sorry. i was just kidding." akkun revealed, "you got way too serious, takemichi." wow. sure was nice of them to let y/n in on the joke, too.

"they're fighting sure, but it's no different than usual." takuya said.

"besides," yamagishi added, "mikey and draken would never get into a big argument."

"who'd you say..." a voice came form the door, and they all turned to see draken leaning on the door frame, "is arguing with who?"

takemichi flinched, and slowly turned around. y/n was amazed that he was tall enough to literally lean on the top of a door frame.

"draken-kun?!" they all yelled.

"came to check up on you, takemitchy." he smiled toothily.

"oh yeah, i brought a watermelon. so, quit staring and siddown!!" he added.

"y-yes sir!" the boys said.

y/n thought it was quite random that he brought a watermelon, but she was grateful nonetheless. it was really hot in takemichi's room.

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