Part 16

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Carina POV:

I had just come out of the OR after losing both the mother and baby in surgery.

Once I had changed scrubs and taken a quick shower. I went to the cafeteria to grab a bite to eat.

I picked up and apple and a jelly, then saw Teddy and so went to go sit with her.

"Ciao Teddy." I said, still frowning after the surgery.

"Everything ok carina?" She asked me, a concerned look daring in her face.

"I just lost a mother and baby in surgery." I said to her. Putting my hands on my face.

"Oh I'm so sorry." She said, giving me a hug.



I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw mayas name.

I felt my heart lift and I smiled for the first time this afternoon.

I then excused myself from the table to pick up the phone.

"Hello be-" I started before I was cut offs

"Hi carina, this is Andy." She said. I could feel the pain in her voice.

"Andy what's wrong?" I asked, beginning to panic.

"Are you at the hospital?" She asked me, completely dismissing my question.

"Sì, where's maya." I asked, now pacing around the cafeteria, gaining strange looks from those around me.

"That's...carina that's the problem." She said into the phone. I could sense her trying not to cry.

"Andy. What is wrong." I said, feeling the tears falling down my face.

"Andy." I said when she didn't reply.

"Shit, we're losing her." I heard who I think was Ruiz from station 23 in the background.

Then the phone cut off.

I felt my heat pounding in my chest as I stood in the middle of the cafeteria shaking.

"Carina, what happened?" Teddy asked tuning up to me.

The whole cafeteria was now looking at me but I didn't care.

Maya was not ok.

"Carina. What's wrong." Teddy said more firmly this time. Grabbing onto my shoulders.

The room started to go fuzzy and was spinning.
I couldn't focus on Teddy.

There was a ringing in my ears that drowned out the rest of the noise.

Maya. I needed maya.

Suddenly. I snapped out of whatever was going on. I shook myself free of teddy's hold.

"Maya." I said weakly. "It's maya."

"What, what happened to maya?" Teddy asked, beginning to panic herself

"I-I don't know. Andy said it wasn't good. And I could hear someone in the background saying 'we're losing her.'" I told Teddy.

"Ok, are they taking her here?" Teddy asked me, guiding me to the door.

I nodded as we kept walking.

Eventually, we arrived in the ER, waiting for Andy.

After a few minutes, I heard an ambulance pull up.

Followed by Andy's voice.

"Maya Bishop, 33, large head lack, impalement to the chest, obvious ankle break, was down for 9 minutes in the field but we got her back." I heard Andy say as the rolled in the gurney.

"Maya?!" I heard Bailey say as they wheeled her past us.

"Tell the OR we're coming, I'll be right there." Bailey said to Levi before turning to me.

She came running over to us. Panicked and frantic.

"Oh my god Carina." Did you know about this?" She hugged me as I burst into tears.

I nodded against her and she sat me down on a chair.

"Are you ok?" She said to me.

I shrugged as I wiped my face.

"Ok, i need to go do the surgery. Your off work now, for as long as needs be." She said before running off down the corridor.

"Cmon Carina, let's go get some fresh air." Teddy said, guiding me over to the door.

Carina POV:

It was about 8 hours later now, almost midnight. I was sat in the waiting room with Samantha sleeping on me.

I had been unable to sleep yet, my mind worrying about Maya.

Samantha had asked me what had happened. Wether Maya would be ok. I almost broke down crying again at the fact I couldn't say definitely yes.

Luckily, Teddy was still on shift. She had been checking up on us frequently and bringing us food, none of which had been eaten.

Meredith had also heard the news, and offered to take Samantha for the night.

I had to politely decline, I needed my girl. She was the closest thing I had to maya.

After another eternity, Bailey finically came round the corner.

I picked Samatha up and turned to face her.

"I- is she ok? What happened?" I asked her as soon as she was next to us.

"Carina Carina slow down." Bailey said. Putting her hands on my shoulders.

"And yes. She made it through surgery, her heart stopped twice but we got it back again." Bailey said to me.

"Oh my god." I said, starting to cry again. I placed Samatha down on a chair again, allowing myself to have a quick breakdown.

"Carina, she did have a lot of internal bleeding, and because of her heart stopping, we want to keep her in a medically induced coma. Just until she's healed back up." Bailey said, tears starting to fill her own eyes.

"Oh m-" I said, putting my hand on my mouth and shutting my eyes tight.

"H-how long for?" I knew it was a stupid question, but I couldn't help myself asking.

"I don't know. But She's going to be ok. You know why we do this." She said to me.

I nodded again. I still couldn't believe what was happening.

"Here's her things." Miranda said. Giving me mayas uniform and her phone.

I was unable to speak, and so just nodded, biting my lip to try and keep myself from crying.

C-can we see her?" I managed to ask her.

"Yes of course, follow me." She said as I picked up Sammy.

"I know you already know this, but I have to say, she doesn't look like maya right now, she looks like a mess of wires and bandages, but she's still maya." She said. Stopping outside of one of the ICU wards.

I nodded in acknowledgment, and she pulled open the door, to reveal exactly what she had said, a mess of wires and bandages.

I had seen this millions of times before, but it's different when it's the live of your life.

It's different when it's maya.


Well. I actually started crying whilst writing this. 😂

Would you guys be interested in seeing what maya is seeing in the coma? Like the beach in Merediths? Lmk any other ideas as-well.

I had my first 2 exam so today and they weren't absolute train wrecks so I was in a good mood.

Not good enough to make this a happy chapter though.

Have a good day/ night :)

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