Part 30

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Maya POV

I woke up feeling very lightheaded, my chest feeling heavy.

I looked around to see everyone crowding around me, taking off my thick outer layer of uniform.

"Maya thank god your awake. You collapsed." Vic said, noticing I was awake.

"W- what happened." I asked. Only then noticing I had a breathing mask on my face.

"After giving your mask to the little girl, you inhaled a lot of smoke." Vic explained, grabbing my hand and helping me sit up.

"Is she ok?" I said breathlessly, pulling the mask down from my face.

"Woah woah woah, mask up please." Jack said, bringing me a glass of water.

"I feel fine." I said, although I didn't.

"No you don't now mask." Jack said, miming pulling the mask up over my face.

I reluctantly did so, allowing everyone else to check up on me.

"Maya you should really go to the hospital." Vic said again.

"Carina will be worried sick if I turn up there, and Seattle pres is rubbish" I said, trying to blank the image of carina having to see me ill again out of my mind.

"Oh for gods sake maya, im sure she'd rather you were alive then dead. Ooh you'd be like ripley, do you want to be ripley and carina be me?" Vic said, raising an eyebrow.

"No I don't but I'm fine Vic, honestly." I said.

I was starting to feel a bit better, though my breathing didn't quite feel right, I was sure the oxygen will fix it though.

"Is Lina ok?" I asked vic as she continued to check up on me.

"She's been taken to the hospital, it looks like all the adults kept her as some sort of punching bag, they're her legal foster parents but I'm sure their licence will be taken right out of there hands" Vic explained, shaking her head at the evilness of linas 'guardians'

"Ok, was she ok though, after I, you know." I said to her.

"She was a little frightened of everything and had quite serious smoke inhalation." She said.

"Ima call carina, ask her to check up on her." I said, pulling out my phone from my pocket.

Hi babe, I was just at a scene and there was a 13 year old who was most likely abused, she's either on her way or at grey Sloan now. Her names Lina, could you do me a favour and check up on her? Xx

I waited a few minutes before I heard the notification bell come from my phone.

My love 💕
I just found her room, she's unconscious right now but Bailey says she's doing well and apparently there's a social worker on the way. Oh and Travis tells me that you passed out? X

Crap she knew.

Ok that's good, please send me updates whenever possible :)
Oh and yea I did pass out, I'm fine though honestly.

My love 💕
Whatever you say, and I'll update you asap xx
Bye :)

Bye :)

I then put my phone down, taking a big sigh.

At least my lungs felt better now.

"Well someone got attached, again" Vic laughed, sitting down next to me.

"Oh shut up I didn't not." I said, okay punching her.

"Ok whatever." She said, holding her hands up.

"Well, how have things been going with Amelia?" I asked.

"Pretty great actually, I'm fully moved in now, the kids are quite the handful." Vic laughed.

"I'm sure they are, do you think you can see a futre with Amelia?" I asked her, pleasantly surprised she was giving me all this information.

"Oh definitely, honestly maya, part from ripley she's the only other person I've felt truly connected too." She said. Starting to get emotional.

"Oh my god I completely forgot, welcome to the Seattle fire queers." I laughed

"Oh my god, your so right." Vic laughed with me.

It was soon time to leave, and I was feeling much better now.

By the time we got back to the station it was quarter to 3, so I had almost exactly an hour to get some things done before Sammy got to the station.

"Well done 19, you all did great." I said as we all jumped out of the rig.

"19!" They all said in unison.

I then made my way into my office and started to fill out the incident report.

Before I knew it, I heard a very familiar voice at my door.

"Mommy!" Sammy said, running up to me and giving me a big hug.

"Hey squirt, how was your day at school?" I said, placing her on my lap, facing me.

"It was good mommy, Tianna and Ellis and me all played together." She said.

"Oh that's fun, did you get on well with Tianna?" I asked.

"Yea she's really nice and funny." Sammy said.

"Well that good, should I organise a play date for the 3 of you?" I asked her.

"Yes please mommy!" Sammy said before climbing off my leg and grabbing her iPad from her bag I keep in my office.

She sat down in the corner of my office and watched some tv, allowing me to do the rest of my paper work.

Not too much later I got a text message from carina, I assumed it was about Lina, so I opened my phone and read it, I got halfway through the message when my heart sunk deep into my stomach, and I felt a lump in my throat.

My love 💕
Maya, please come too the hospital, quickly. It's about Samantha. Her biological father is here.

Sorry for the short chapter! I wanted to update again as I felt bad for not getting a part up yesterday.

What does Sammys dad want? Will he take Sammy back?

Have a great day/ night
Audrey x

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