Part 55

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Maya POV:

As we walked around the museum, I slid my hand into carinas as she looked at a bunch of dinosaur bones.

"What does all this say?" I asked, waving my hand around the large sign.

"Some dinosaur that lived like 200 billion years ago and was a cannibal," she said, showing me as she read it, not that I could follow along.

Every few seconds I would glance forward to check Sammy and MJ were still in my field of vision, they had gotten very excited about everything and had managed to persuade us to let them walk around just a bit in front of us.

"Are you feeling ok babe?" I asked her, I knew that she had been shoving her emotions down but I just wanted to make sure she knew that I was there for her.

"Sì, I'm fine Bambina," she said un reassuringly, her free hand moving to her eyes to wipe them.

"Ok, but please talk to me when you want to. I don't want you to keep this all emotion inside you ok?" I said, putting my other hand on hers.

"I know Bambina, I will I promise," she said before looking back at the display.

I looked back to find Sammy and MJ, scanning the corridor to see their matching dresses.

After a few seconds, I felt my heart drop in my chest. I couldn't see them.

"Carina. The- the girls," I said, now panicking.

"What what about them? I thought you were keeping an eye on them?" Carina said, her eyes now frantically searching the hall.

"I-I was I looked over at them just a few seconds ago but now, now they're gone," I said, letting go of her hand and starting to walk forward.

Sofia had gone to the museum cafe for some 'personal reflection' so I knew the girls couldn't be there, so where the fuck were they.

Carina and I, now speed-walking down the corridor, began shouting their names, even though MJ wouldn't be able to hear.

We had started to attract the eyes of the other people as we frantically made our way down the hall.

"Mam, can I help you?" A lady came up to us, speaking in a thick Italian accent, not unlike Carinas.

"Sì, our, our daughters we can't find them, they were right here 10 seconds ago," Carina told the woman, her hand cupped to her forehead as tears started to stream down her cheek.

"Ok, what are their names?" She asked, holding her daughter's hand.

"MJ and Samantha, MJ is deaf though," I piped in.

"Ok, I am Clara and this is my daughter Isabella, we'll help you look ok," Clara said, surprisingly reassuringly.

Carina and I both nodded, thankful for the help but feeling too sick to speak.

"We'll go down the way you came and you two carry on the way you were going ok?" She said, already walking with her daughter.

"Ok, thank you so much for your help," I managed to say through all the thoughts swimming around my head.

For the next 10 minutes, Carina and I made our way around the whole bottom floor, lots more people had joined us in the search.

All of a sudden, as we were in a room about ancient China, a shout burst out through the walls of the museum.

"WE FOUND THEM!" someone shouted.

I turned to face carina, finally letting the tears out that I had been concealing.

Carina and I ran towards where the voice was coming from, we were instantly directed by the people to the room we needed to go to, floor 3 room 41.

After what felt like hours, we reached the room, thankful to see it was not crowded with people.

Much to my relief, MJ and Sammy were sat down on 2 seats, holding each other's hands.

"Thank you so so much," I said to the teenage girls that had found her, I don't think they spoke much of any English but they seemed to understand what I was saying and gave me reassuring smiles.

"Girls, what did you think you were doing?" I asked them, too angry but at the same time relieved to remember our 'no getting mad at the kids rule'

"MJ and I wanted to see the world war 2 rooms, but we didn't know where to go so we just wondered around and ended up here," she shrugged, pointing to the room around us which I now realised was in the theme of African history.

"You two had us worried sick, we had no idea where you were," I said, squatting down so I was at their eye level and taking one of their hands in each of mine, even though I knew I'd have to let go to carry on signing,

"We didn't know we had gone far away from you, we thought you were right behind, we're really sorry though." MJ signed to us, clearly on the verge of tears, she was definitely the softer of the two, she would cry when the girls got into fights and were the first to apologise to anyone, even if she had nothing to do with it.

Sammy on the other hand was exactly like carina, she knows what she wants and would never in a million years own up to anything, so it was no surprise MJ was the one apologising.

"It's ok, you can just never do that again, your mama and I were so worried we had lost our little girls," I said, only now realising Carina hadn't said a word since we found the girls.

I looked up at her to see her standing with her hand over her mouth, tears rolling down her face.

"Now cmon, go give your mama a hug and let's go get some food," I said, seeing the time on my watch read 12:38.

Almost immediately, MJ ran off her chair and into carinas arms, and she willingly picked her up, flattening down her hair that has somehow gone crazy.

Sammy however, was more reluctant, slowly getting out of her seat and trudging over to carina.

I could tell something was up with her but now wasn't the time to pry, I hoped that she hadn't had a panic attack last night.

Happy greys and station day!!! 🙌 🎉 🥳

I had an orthodontist appointment to tighten my braces today and it was supposed to take 15 minutes but took over an hour 😭 it was horrible he was pressing really hard on this one tooth and I cried afterwards ✌️

Anyways, that's enough rambling from me, how have your days been?

Hope you all had a wonderful day/ night :)
Audrey xx

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