Part 47

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Carina POV:

"It's a girl," I said, showing Mariah her newborn daughter.

"Oh thank god, I don't think I could handle a boy." She said, half-joking half-serious.

"Ah well, now the first place your Bambina will ever see is the beautiful island of Sicily," I said, thinking about how rare of an experience that was.

"That's true, will we have to fly straight back to Seattle?" Sarah asked from behind.

She had agreed to go off with Maya and talk about kids when she started to feel nauseous.

The delivery had gone surprisingly well seeing as we were thousands of feet in the air and the bare minimum of medical supplies.

"Definitely go straight to the hospital, the captain has already made arrangements and there will be an ambulance waiting for the now 3 of you when we land," I told them, we were about 10 hours into the flight now, almost there, almost home.

"And it depends on what the doctor says, they may clear you to stay in Italy or you may have to fly home," I said, she was going well with no complications but you never know what can happen.

"Ok, thank you so much for all of this, I can't imagine what would have happened if you weren't on this flight," Mariah said, cradling her baby girl in her arms.

"Sì, let's just be glad you didn't have to go through that," I said, not even wanting to picture it.

"I'll go tell the captain the baby was born." The flight attendant who I now know is called carol said before rushing off.

A few minutes later the captain's voice came from above us saying, " I would like to announce to all passengers on this flight that we have a new adventurer on the flight with us today, with thanks to Dr Carina DeLuca a healthy baby girl has been born on our flight today, can we please have a round of applause for everyone involved in the delivery."

Almost immediately, the plane erupted with sounds of applause and whistles to the new mothers on board.

"Well, I should go tell my girlfriend about the good news, are you ok here on your own?" I asked them, realising I hadn't seen my family in about 5 hours.

"Ok, take your time," Sarah said, giving me a big hug.

"Grazie," I said before walking back through the plane to find Maya and the twins.

"Congratulations babe," Maya said when I got to the seats, giving me a small kiss.

"Thank you, Bella, I'm so glad everything went smoothly," I said, giving MJ a kiss on the head as she was sat in the aisle next to Maya, I assumed she and Sammy had switched places.

"Me too, and now we only have like 4 hours left of the flight," Maya said, relieved.

"Ah yes, I'm going to go make sure Mariah is ok, I'll be back as soon as possible," I said, giving Maya another quick kiss before running off again.

"How is everything?" I asked them when I returned back to the first-class area.

"Brilliant, we've already decided on a name," Martian said, looking lovingly at her wife who was now cracking the baby.

"Wow that what fast, what's the bambinas name?" I asked them.

"Natalia Carina James-Barnes, Natalia after Sarah's late mother Natalie, and because we both love marvel, we'll call her Nat for short, and carina after you, because I could very well be dead right now if it went for you," Mariah said, looking happily into my eyes.

"That's such a beautiful name, but don't feel like you have to name the baby after me," I said, touched but slightly shocked at the name.

"No no, we're sure, we will quite literally never forget you," Mariah said, her eyes poring into her Natalias.

"Wanna hold her?" Sarah asked, offering me Nat.

"Oh no I'm fine, you two should, you don't get much of that before they turn into walking, self-destructive robots," I said, thinking about the number of times I'd seen chicken fall over.

"No, we insist. Mariah said, gesturing for me to take Nat from Sarah.

"Ok, but not for long, she'll need feeding soon," I said, astounded that she had not yet been fed by her mother.

"If she's anything like Mariah she'll be eating nom stop." Sarah joked as she handed me Nat.

" shut up you," Mariah said, play hitting her wife.

After some baby snuggles, I said my goodbyes again and went back to my own family for the rest of the flight.

I had given Sarah and Mariah my number in case they needed anything at any point.

"Ciao," I said to them, turning around and walking to find Maya and the girls.

Maya POV:

I was in the middle of watching a movie when I saw carina coming closer towards us.

She had been back with the couple for just over an hour, and we now had 2 and a half hours left of the flight.

"Took you long enough," I said jokingly, standing up into the aisle so she could get back to her seat.

"I know, I know, sorry Bella." She said, kidding me lightly which completely made up for it.

"That's ok, the girls have been ok. MJ vomited a few times but she's been fine since, Sammy's been asleep the whole time?" I said, pointing so where Sammy sat, her head tilted to one side as she slept.

"Ah ok, had MJ slept at all?" She asked me, relaxing into her seat more.

"Not a wink, I think the jolts of the plane are keeping her awake," I said, softly stroking her cheek as she watched a movie, as she wasn't using any sound she wasn't using the earphones which would have been way too big for her anyway.

"Oh bless her, I'm sure she'll sleep when we're at my aunts' house," Carina said.

We were staying at carinas aunt's house, which had a huge house and pool and was in a really nice town.

After another 2 and a bit hours, Sammy had woken up and the plane was beginning to make its descent into Italy.

Soon enough, we saw the bright kings from below us as Sicily gleamed up to us.

I looked over at carina to see her reaction, knowing how happy she must be feeling.

"Babe are you ok?" I asked her, noticing the tears forming in her eyes.

She looked back at me, wiping away a fallen tear before saying, "I'm home,"

I am so so sorry for the lack of updating! I've been trying to get back into it.

Honestly without all of your guys' comments throughout the chapters I probably still would t be doing this! The more comments you guys put the better :)

(P.s. enjoy these holiday chapters, a lot of angst coming up!)

How amazing were yesterday's station and greys episodes!! I won't spoil them for anyone dw :)

Hope you guys all have a fantastic day/night,
As always, audrey xx

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