Part 57

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Tw: vague description of blood from a knife injury (not purposeful)

talk of self-harm through cutting.

Mentions of Idk how to phrase this but thoughts telling you to harm yourself.

Maya POV:

It was now our 5th day of 7, our second to last full day here.

I woke up to the sun shining through the slits in the blinds, illuminating the room.

I turned over to feel a heavy weight on my arm, and saw that MJ was lying on my arm like a pillow, sleeping peacefully.

Carefully, I picked up my phone from my bedside table with my free hand, opening it to check the time.

10:30 am. We had slept in.

I looked away from my phone to see is Carina was there or not, and much to my surprise she was not.

Knowing MJ would be scared if she woke up in here alone, I slid my arm back from under her head, hoping that would be enough to wake her up, unfortunately, I had no such luck as she continued to sleep, her head now sideways on the pillow.

"MJ" I whispered before realising she would t be able to hear it.

Instead, I lightly shook her shoulder, causing a groan to come out of her mouth.

I shook her a little more until her eyes fluttered open, scanning the room.

She soon caught sight of me, and I hoisted myself up on the bed so I was sitting up, and lifted MJ up so she too was sat up.

"Sleep well?" I signed to her, aware she may not be able to see as she only just woke up.

"Tired," she signed back, rubbing her eyes afterwards.

"It's 10:30, should we go find Sammy and carina?" I asked her.

She nodded "yes" and climbed over me to get out of bed.

"Can you carry me?" She signed, looking up at me with her big blue eyes.

"Of course," I signed before picking up and placing her on my hip.

Slowly as I was still half asleep and had a child in my arms, I made my way down the stairs and into the dining room, where I could hear talking.

"Ahh, look who finally woke up," Sofia said, getting up from her seat and taking MJ from me, setting her down at the table.

"I know, I know, I only just got up and couldn't believe the time," I said, yawning as I sat down to my plate of food, which was still warm.

"I only just served you two up, we heard you moving around upstairs," carina explained as I stared at my food, trying to figure out how it was still warm.

"Ah ok, thanks babe," I said, giving her a small kiss on the lips, followed by a short and sassy "ew" from Sammy as she scrunched up her face.

"Oh shush you," I said, sticking out my tongue.

She giggled before turning back to her food, attempting to cut a sausage.

"Ah Bambina no, let me help," carina said, getting up from her seat and goi g over to Sammy's, helping her cut her sausage and then doing the same to MJ, who was not impressed.

"Are we doing anything today?" I asked, also tucking into my food.

"After, um, yesterday, Sofia and I were thinking we can go down to the park, maybe pack a picnic and get some ice cream, just enjoy Italy before we fly home," carina said, pouting as she said the last few words.

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