Part 36

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*the next Monday*

Carina POV

it was now 10 days later, and the girls were getting ready to go to school. Today was MJ's first day and she was getting quite nervous.

"MJ you need to eat." Is signed to her as she just moved the spoon around in in the bowl of cereal.

"I Cant." She signed, putting her head in her hands.

I sat down next to her, i knew how hard first days could be, and it must be all the more overwhelming for her.

Maya was already gone for work, leaving me to get both kids ready. She didn't want to take much time off work so had been doing part time up until now. She was very eager to get back into work.

I gave MJ a big hug and she eventually broke free of it.

"Please can you eat some more?" I signed to her.

"Ok fine." She said back, reluctantly picking up her spoon.

"Sammy are you ready for school?" I asked her as she sat watching tv.

"Yep, I just need to do my teeth." She said, not diverting her eyes from the tv.

"Ok, I'll help help you when MJ is done eating too." I said to her.

MJ finished her breakfast but we were cutting it close with the time so had to speedily get out of the door.

It was very manic and it didn't help that Samantha had somehow put one of her shoes in the freezer, which of course meant that she couldn't then wear as it was rock hard.

She settled on a different pair but was upset she wasn't fully matching with MJ.

Maya had made me promise that I would take some 'first day' photos for her, so I bundled them outside and took a few quick photos to send to Maya.

I then loaded them into the car and we were on our way.

Once we were there I pulled up on the side of the road and helped the girls out.

"Ready?" I signed to MJ, seeing she was becoming increasingly nervous.

I then looked over to Sammy who for some reason also looked very nervous.

In the past 10 days she had had 4 panic attacks and was starting to get nervous when not being around either maya or I.

"Are you ok Sammy." I said, taking her hand.

She gave a small shrug and pressed herself closer to me.

We soon reached the school gates and it did not take long for eyes to fall upon us.

It was not every day that the gay parents had one fostered child who all of a sudden has a disabled identical twin sister.

"Morning ladies." I said, walking past the group of gossip moms who were most definitely talking about us and staring right at us.

I then saw Meredith afew meters away so thought it'd be best to go see her.

"Ciao Meredith." I said, getting her attention.

"Oh hi carina, is it MJ's first day today?" She asked, putting her phone in her pocket.

"Sì, I've been trying to convince her that she has nothing to worry about." I said before realising both the girls were still next to me.

I bent down to face them and said and signed "Sammy do you want to go and introduce MJ to some of your Friends?" I asked her.

She cautiously nodded and took MJ's hand to go find where Ellis and Tianna were playing on the swing set together.

"So how are they really?" Meredith asked, noticing I had not told her the whole truth.

"We'll Sammy's been having panic attacks basically every other night and MJ is dead scared about school today, to be honest I am to, these kids can be brutal, especially when someone is different to them I hope Sammy takes care of her," I said, this was the first time I was able to let my feelings out like this in a while.

"I'm sure she'll be absolutely fine, have you told mrs what's-her-face about everything." Meredith asked.

"Mrs Williams? And no, Maya emailed her the basics but I'm supposed to go see her to discuss it more. Crap I need to do that," I said, realising the time.

"Well you'd better go do that then." Meredith said, nudging me towards the door.

I then found their classroom and gave a small knock on the door.

"Come in." Said a voice from inside.

I opened it to see Mrs Williams sitting at her desk, typing something at her computer,

"Ah carina, I was hoping to see you." She said, closing her computer and folding her arms in the most teacher like way possible.

"Good, I have a few things to discuss like maya said to you in the email." I said, taking a seat at one of the kids desks, which was far too small for me but I didn't mind.

"Yes, first of all we are very happy to welcome MJ into our class." She said, smiling.

"Ah sì, she was my first thing on the list, as Maya and myself have already spoken to you about, MJ is deaf, I wanted to know what your policy for things like that was.

"Well as I'm sure Samantha has mentioned to you, we do weekly ASL classes which the kids have all been benefiting from. They also all know about MJ and her condition, so they know not to do certain things or to use sign language of they're talking to her et cetera et cetera." She said, waving her hand in circles.

"Ok, and what about teaching?" I asked her.

"I know quite a bit of sign language, but that's almost impossible to do whilst teaching so the school has gotten a translator for her so she can understand what I'm saying." She said.

It all sounded great so far, it was nice to know the school was going the extra mile for her.

"Ok great, now about Sammy, a couple of months ago she had quite a traumatic run in with Mayas father, Maya and I didn't know until very recently but it has affected her more than we thought, and she's been having frequent panic attacks, mostly in the night though. We're almost certain the trauma is about guns, when her grandfather came over she was held at gunpoint and shit at. so just to let you know in case anything ever happens." I said, hoping I could trust her with this information, the very last thing i wanted was for this news to spread to the gossip moms group. I didn't  mention the fact I was also held at gunpoint by lane just in case she let anything slip.

"Oh bless her, and yes if anything happens I won't hesitate to call you. Thank you for telling me, I know that must have been hard." She said, writing down something on a sticky note.

The bell then rang and the kids started lining up on the playground.

"I'll leave you to deal with the kids now, have a lovely day." I said, getting up from my seat.

"And you." Mrs Williams said, walking over to the door to let the kids in.

This was going to be a longer chapter but I don't have the energy rn 😂

Hope you all have a lovely day/night
Audrey :)

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