Four Of A Kind

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Metropolis University

Flash and Supergirl stopped outside the university building. Ton J Northrup worked at the university as a lecture and often stayed late. They walked into the building, all the lights were off but one. A room at the bottom of the hall. Flash and Supergirl rushed through the door opening it to find an empty room. The room was messy, with books sprawled everywhere. Flash and Supergirl looked around looking for clues on what had happened. Supergirl opened a draw finding a mobile phone laying i. The center. When she picked up the phone it started to ring. Supergirl answered asking who was calling.
"Oh you already know who it is" the cold voice of Ace spoke through the phone. "You have done well to keep up this far Supergirl and Flash. But the game has to end eventually" Ace stated.
"This isn't a game!" Supergirl shouted through the phone the anger in her voice becoming present. Ace just laughed.
"You have nothing. No relics, no leads and no powers I can't beat. Face it you lose" Ace stated arrogantly. "The house always wins" Ace finished before the call ended. Supergirl looked at Flash with a worried look on her face. Flash didn't know what to say. Finally the silence was broke when Supergirl heard something with her super hearing. The sound of a gun.
"Get down!" Supergirl screamed at Flash throwing her cape around him as a tear gas grenade was shot thought he window. Supergirl covered Flash moving them out of the room and back into the hallway. As they got into the hallway Supergirl could hear soldiers at all the entrances ready to breach. Supergirl and the Flash ran up the stairs of the building making it to the top floor. The main entrance doors were booted open by the soldiers as they ran into the building their guns aimed and ready to shoot. Flash and Supergirl kept going up the stairs until they made it onto the roof. Once they hit the roof a helicopter floated above them it light flashing directly on them. Supergirl could hear the soldiers running up the stairs their heavy uniforms and guns rustling as they ran up the steps.
"Where to now?" Flash asked looking at Supergirl. Supergirl looked around the flashlights the helicopter shooting into her eyes the noises of soldiers, weapons, vehicles and heartbeats all around her. She just whispered one word.
"Smallville" Flash heard her even though she whispered, he picked her up in his arms before he ran down the side of the building, heading straight for Smallville when he reached the ground.


Queen, King and Jack were all sitting round a table chatting amongst themselves when Ace walked in. He was followed by Ten who was carry a man in his twenties over his shoulder. The man was unconscious as Ten placed him on a chair in the middle of the room and tying him up.
"Who's that?" King questioned looking at the unconscious man.
"The key to the third relic" Ace answered walking around the man before slapping him awake. The man woke up looking around the room unsure where he was.
"Where am I?" He questioned looking at the five thieves surrounding him.
"You mr Northrup are our guest" Ace stated. He started to circle Ton like a shark hunting it's prey. "You are here because you have some information we desire" Ace continued continuing his walk. Ton looked at all the thieves before he answered.
"What information would that be?" He asked nervously. Ace stopped behind him putting both his hands on Ton's shoulders.
"You know what information I'm talking about" Ace whispered into his ear, his words sending a shiver up Ton's spine.
"I don't know anything" Ton stated his body shaking.
"Oh this is going to be fun" Ace stated before he walked over to his table grabbing a hammer.

Smallville Kent Farm

Supergirl directed Flash to the destination she wanted, eventually they arrived at the remains of the Kent farm. Flash was unsure where they were, he put Supergirl down letting her get her bearings before he asked his question.
"Where are we?" Flash asked scratching his head. Supergirl walked up one of the many hills, Flash following right behind her. At the top of the hill was a tree and three gravestones under it. The first read Johnathan Kent, the second Martha Kent and the third read Clark Kent.
"This is the Kent farm" Supergirl stated kneeling down in front of the graves. "It was the first place I lived once I had arrived on Earth. The farmhouse was destroyed shortly after I became Supergirl, but Lois still owns the land. I come here to get away from it all sometimes, when the noise gets to much. It's familiar it makes me feel safe and it reminds me of him" Supergirl stated looking at the gravestone that read Clark Kent.
"Clark Kent is that your brother?" Flash questioned linking the last names.
"No, cousin" Supergirl explained a smile creeping onto her face from Flash's comment. "He's why I do this. Help people I mean. It's in his memory" Supergirl stated a tear rolling down her cheek. Flash saw the tear, he wrapped her in a hug with she accepted. "We should probably get back to what we were doing before we came here" She continued. "Any ideas?" She asked Flash. He thought for a moment before he got an idea.
"You have super hearing right?" Flash asked looking at Supergirl. She nodded in response. "Do you think you could hear them?" Flash asked, Supergirl looked at him confused.
"I'll give it a go but I'm not sure what I'm listening for" Supergir stated. She closed her eyes blocking out all distractions as she listened. She could hear everything, from the crashes of the ocean to a pot of coffee being boiled. She heard a scream out of nowhere. She focused in on that sound listening for more detail. She heard another scream and the breaking of a bone. She looked at flash.
"Found them" she declared proud of herself. Flash smiled happy she had found where they needed to go.
"Quick question before we go" Flash started. "How come you trusted me with all this?" He continued pointing to their surroundings. Supergirl smiled before she replied.
"Just a feeling" she stated before she shot off into the sky. Flash smiled before chasing after her.

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