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Good Without ~ Mimi Webb

"Dinner is so nice mom," Alison commented as she swallowed a mouthful of spaghetti.

"Thank you my baby, I'm glad you're enjoying." She smiled warmly as I glanced at Dad. We were sharing a private joke through eye contact which seemed to be secretive until I accidentally burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Mom questioned as I cleared my throat.

"Nothing. I just thought of something, not important though," I sighed as I watched Dad laugh violently into his fist then sniffle quietly after recovering.

"You're always doing that, it seems like you and Dad are always making fun of us." Alison snapped, resulting in me gasping loudly.

"Who made fun of you?" I gave her an amused look.

"I don't think jokes should be private at the table, Lorenzo and Alora. It's rude and very inappropriate," Mom looked upset as she spoke.

"Does everything have to involve you Mom? Dad and I were simply having a laugh, how is that inappropriate?" I questioned her.

"It's not that deep Sophia, we were laughing about a show we watched last night. You had refused to join us so," Dad finally spoke up whilst pushing his plate away from him. He excused himself from the table before the situation escalated and headed to his room.

"Yeah. I suggest you join us next time Mom, and Alison." I stood up from the table before heading upstairs.

Once I was in my room, I pulled my short silk nightdress on then tied my hair up in a secure bun. I washed my face and brushed my teeth then turned the main lights off, leaving my dim neon lights on.

As I lay in bed, I contempated about a lot of things and reminisced a lot of memories. A few were bittersweet, some were sweet and a number of them were just plain bitter. My eyes gradually closed as I slowly drifted to sleep.

I was in the midst of falling into a deep sleep when I heard the small click of my window opening. I opened one eye to check the time, which read 1AM and I unfazedly moved to my usual side of the bed.

I heard him shut my window before walking over to the bed and after much shuffling, he slipped under the covers with me. His arm wrapped tightly around my waist and pulled me tightly against his body, making me realize exactly what he wanted.

I turned to face him before staring into his blue-green orbs, that were illuminated by the light pink neon color. All the resentment and anger I had for him evaporated into thin air.

"They're fighting again?" I whispered quietly as he exhaled a shaky breath. I could tell by his facial expressions that he wasn't okay.

"It's been going on for weeks now," he looked so vulnerable as he spoke to me.

It had become a habit of Kylen's to sleep in my room everytime his parents were having issues in the middle of the night. He had been doing it for five years and it was a normal routine now. More of a habit actually.

"You'll be fine here, with me." I whispered in a much lower tone as he tightened his grip around me and buried his face in my neck.

"He's cheating on Mom, she doesn't deserve that." His voice was hoarse and broken, his hot breath fanning my skin.

"I'm sure she doesn't. It's okay, just let it out. Let it all out." I stroked his back gently as he shook with each cry.

"I'm very sad Aloe," he hiccuped as I held him closer to my body.

𝐀𝐥𝐨𝐞'𝐬 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧| ✓ Where stories live. Discover now