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Forget You ~ Bahari

"Remember to keep all your things safe, keep yourself safe too." My Dad said as I offloaded my bags from the boot of his car.

"Yes Dad, I will stay safe. She doesn't have any brothers, so we're good." I shrugged nonchalantly.

"Hmm, sure. I've already communicated with her mom. So, I'll see you whenever you decide to come back. Or am I picking you up too?"

"It's okay Dad, you can pick me up around the late afternoon, when you're not busy." I tiptoed to wrap my tiny arms around his large body. It felt so comforting being in his arms, it made me feel safe.

"Great. Don't get into trouble sweets, be good." Dad kissed my forehead and gave me a light squeeze.

"I won't. I love you so much," I placed my head against his warm chest, not wanting to let go.

"I love you too Sweets. Now go inside or else you'll be late," he chuckled and patted my back gently as the cool evening wind buffeted us.

"I change my mind, what if we go back home and-"

"Alora! You made it!" The familiar high-pitched voice squealed as Dad laughed quietly.

"It's too late Sweets. We can do that when you get back home tomorrow, unless you decide otherwise." He held me at arms length.

"Okay. Bye Dad," I gave him a quick hug before walking to where Amelia was.

"Wow. Is that your Dad?" She gestured to him.

"Yeah. I know, he's hot. Everyone says it," I chuckled and she did too.

"True. He's a walking Greek god," she placed her arm around my shoulder and led me into their huge white mansion.

We went up a large flight of stairs to an almost empty but gorgeous room. The chandelier was glass shone and illuminated a dim pink colour that gave a warming effect. There was a large TV, a spacious bathroom and closet and there was a large trailer for coffee or tea.

"Hey girls! Alora has arrived," she announced to the girls that were setting up some mattresses and blankets on the sparkling clean floor.

There was even a large glass window that overlooked the city in the horizon, concealed by some thin but expensively tailored white curtains.

"Welcome Alora," most of them chorused happily. I was thankful that I was surrounded by populars who weren't jealous of me, but ones who could relate to being hated for their beauty and connections.

"Thank you guys." I looked around and realized that they had all changed into their sleepover outfits, "where can I change?" I whispered to Amelia, who had begun to instruct some of her friends how to get to the kitchen.

"Oh, one of the best bathrooms is three doors to the left from here," I thanked her for the directions then followed her instructions.

I pushed the white door open and smiled as I saw the large, wide mirror on the front. The toilet had its own room then the shower and bathtub were on the other side.

I smiled at my reflection as I washed my hands with some sweet-smelling hand-wash. There were two sinks on the marble counter but I was very much interested in the shiny, clean mirror.

After drying my hands, I pulled out my short but cute nightwear. It was white with lace on the breast area then cream white velvety silk for the rest. It had an all-lace white gown to go with it and some matching fluffy sandals.

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