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1 month later...

I smiled to myself as I eyed the bouquet of roses that had been delivered to me that morning. It wasn't hard to tell that it had been from Drake because of the long, well written romantic poem. He was really sweet and in the end, I had evaluated my life and decided that I actually wanted him.

He cared so much about me and it had been a month since we had talked. He never gave up even for a day, so much that at some point he had stopped coming to school and Jean-Pierre had informed me that he had been feeling very depressed about our situation to a point where he couldn't handle seeing me anymore.

It made me upset as well because I never wanted to be a reason why he couldn't attend school. Yeah, it was petty, but he has always been like that. A spoilt brat, but a lonely one.

I eventually made civil peace with him, and from that day he began morphing back to his old self.

He never forgot to send me good morning and good night texts with a series of hearts, and he was always getting me flowers, chocolates and many other romantic things.

He respected my decision to think about it, and despite not talking as much as we used to, we were on pretty good terms.

"He really loves you, Alora. Maybe you should give him a chance," I heard my mom's voice say. I wasn't surprised, she had always been rooting for Drake. She had been for a while.

"He is sweet. I like him, but I wonder how he'll react once I tell him that." I wiggled my eyebrows at her.

"I bet he will literally bow down and thank God," we both laughed at her statement.

"You bet." I shook my head with a smile.

"Come on Alora, we're going to be late." Alison jogged down the stairs, kissed mom on the cheek then grabbed a fruit before she went out to Dad's car. He had decided to take us both to school so that we can all have a mini bond. How lovely.

"Bye mom." I waved and she waved back.

"Tell me how it goes okay?" She winked as I laughed with a nod.

I quickly got into the car then slipped into the back with Alison. She was engrossed with something on her phone, smiling to herself like an idiot.

"So, my young, gorgeous girls." Dad started and I lifted a brow suspiciously.

"Yes Dad?" I responded as he began driving.

"I just thought I'd tell you that we are going for a family picnic next week but one. So, don't make plans with your boyfriends. Or girlfriends." He added with a smirk as I folded my arms.

"Yeah. Alora is sleeping with her friend Taylor-"

"At least I didn't lose my virginity at fucking fifteen. Where's your dignity?" I fired back at her and she gave me a look of disbelief.

"How dare you-"

"Shut up. The both of you." We both stopped upon hearing Dad's voice ring loud and clear in our ears. He had the power to stop havoc in the house all the time.

"Anyways, you've heard what I said. Family picnic, on a Saturday. Don't forget that," he told us while pulling over at Alison's school.

"Bye Dad, bye Alora." She chirped before leaving the car and walking over to her friends.

I internally marveled at how the world had changed, how it was so normal for minors to indulge in shocking activities that could permanently damage one's life. It was disappointing, but I guess I had to respect her decision. She was still my sister after all.

𝐀𝐥𝐨𝐞'𝐬 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧| ✓ Where stories live. Discover now