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♡★𝓐𝓛𝓞𝓡𝓐 '𝓢  • 𝓟𝓞𝓥★♡

"Come on Taylor, stop." I giggled as she smacked my ass gently.

"It's so nice and thick. How could I not—"

"Don't say it." I rinsed the toothpaste out of my mouth then dried my face. Taylor still had her arms around my waist the whole time.

"Are you going to let me go so I can go to the kitchen?" I laughed as she spinned me around like a Princess.

"Not really, I don't feel like letting you go at all." She gave me lopsided smile before leaning down to kiss me on the lips.

That's all we had been doing during the sleepover; Taylor would find ways to get me to a secluded place then we'd end up making out for hours. Well not hours exactly, but I enjoyed exaggerating.

"Will you also give me a break from the kisses?" I whispered against her lips as a low chuckle escaped her lips.

"No baby, I can't think of anything else but tasting your sweet, beautiful lips. I can't wait for the day I finally get to taste this gorgeous pussy too." Her hand went under my dress and she stroked my lace clad vagina.

"Are you willing to wait for a year?" I smiled mischievously as her lips pulled up into a smirk.

"I'm willing to wait for even more than that. So long as I have you," she held my hand as we left the bathroom and went downstairs to the kitchen. People were still asleep and it was only 4AM in the morning.

I settled on the stool as she prepared a healthy fruit salad with yogurt for me. She knew it was my favorite because she apparently observed me and what I constantly ate. It was funny how much she knew about me even though I hadn't really told her much about myself.

I admired her muscular back and arms as she chopped some kiwi and grapes before putting it into the large bowl. Instead of wearing dresses like the rest of us, she was in some white joggers and a matching vest that showed off her defined abs and muscles.

Most girls kept trying to flirt, touch or ask her out but she ignored them, mentioning that she already had her eyes on someone. In a way, I felt quite honoured that she had eyes for me despite having almost the entire female population begging for her attention and love.

"You want to fuck me already, don't you gorgeous?" I hadn't realized that she had caught me staring.

"Oh no, sorry. I was just- just staring, at you." I blushed as I said it.

"It's okay, I get that a lot. But it's special to me when it's coming from you," Taylor winked whilst biting her bottom lip.

"Is it now? Thank you," I smiled when she passed me my bowl of fruit salad. She sat beside me then effortlessly carried me onto her laps. I squealed lightly as she secured her arms around my waist.

"I'd be really fucking lucky if you were my girlfriend," she pushed my brown hair out of my face as I ate a spoonful of the salad.

"A lot of people keep saying that," I laughed slightly.

"I mean it baby, just imagine. You, in my bed, nothing on you but this soft skin." Her dark eyes stared at me with a hint of admiration, lust and mischief.

"Okay Taylor, that's enough filth for the morning." I giggled even louder as she kissed my bare shoulder.

"Have you thought about it though? Do you think you're into girls now?" She massaged my thigh slowly.

"I'm not really sure, I-I really like you Taylor, you make me feel so, so—"

"Sexy? Bothered? Tell me baby," her voice was becoming more and more manipulative.

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