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♡★𝓐𝓛𝓞𝓡𝓐 '𝓢 • 𝓟𝓞𝓥★♡

Gone ~Jessica Baio

"Okay Dad, this is a gorgeous model. I'd go with Model A, it is very spacious and has cool mechanisms compared to Model B." I pointed at the paper as he rubbed his chin.

"That's the one you like? Well, if that's what you want then we'll go with it." He circled Model A and I squealed.

"It's crazy Dad. You're literally making a brand new car model with my name? That's insane," I shook my head in amusement.

"Yeah. You're going to take part in the interior design plan. Just give me what you possibly think we could add to it, perhaps glitter on the console or whatever." I laughed at his suggestion.

"I'll make sure to put some serious thought into it. I love you so much Dad," I moved to hug him tightly.

"I love you too—"

"Good morning Mr. Vincento," a sultry voice spoke and we both turned to face a woman in a short, slightly see-through dress that hugged her curvy body to perfection.

She had on some heavy but professional makeup and her blonde waves fell over her shoulders. She screamed sex appeal and I didn't miss the wink she sent to my Dad when he glanced at her.

"Joanne, good morning." My Dad said in a good-natured manner.

"Hey Alora, you're such a gorgeous girl." She walked over to me, her expensive perfume surrounding me.

She outstretched her arms and I stood up. I hesitantly hugged her but she was oblivious to this as she squeezed me tight. She was an affectionate person and I was surprised that she knew my name and was already hugging me despite meeting for the first time.

"Um, hey Joanne. Thank you for the compliment," I smiled at her once we had pulled away.

"It's my pleasure. I'm the new intern, your father has told me so much about you, I'm so excited to have finally met you in person." She gave me a big bright smile as I took time to digest her appearance.

She had dull grey eyes that had a youthful spark in them, her cleavage was slightly on display and it was only then that I realized that she was a tall, beautiful woman.

"I'm sure he has. It's nice to meet you," I smiled back before awkwardly facing Dad. He gave me a sheepish smile then averted his gaze to Joanne.

"Have you got today's meeting presentation ready?" He questioned.

"Of course Mr. Vincento. I ran a background check about three times and I revised the spellings and slide order, everything is up to scratch." She responded enthusiastically as my Dad smiled. I could already tell that she was extremely fond of us, mostly my Dad. I wasn't surprised either.

"Wonderful. The meeting starts in about thirty minutes," he checked his watch, "you can go and set the room up in preparation for the meeting." He clasped his hands.

"Thank you Mr. Vincento, I'll see you later." Joanne smiled before flicking her hair back then walking out. More like modeling out.

"Daddy?" I whispered quietly.

"Yes sweets?" He raised his brows.

"Do you like Joanne? I mean, the way she was looking at you, it was as though she was ready to have you for dinner," I laughed and he joined me.

"I don't like her, unfortunately. She's been like that ever since she saw me, I've had to shut her down a couple of times. I'm relieved she wore something decent today unlike what she usually wears," he shook his head slowly.

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