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♡★𝓐𝓛𝓞𝓡𝓐 '𝓢  • 𝓟𝓞𝓥★♡

"I knew I'd find you here," I said softly before settling down beside him.

He didn't respond as he blankly stared ahead at the flowing river and the nature other side of the forest. I handed him his ice-cream and ate my Oreo one. He thanked me quietly before inhaling a slow, deep breath.

I sat with him in silence for what felt like hours and I honestly didn't mind. Since I was wearing shorts, my legs were slightly itching from the grass and the thin material of my hoodie couldn't withstand the cold wind that had started picking up.

As if reading my mind, Kylen pulled his thicker and larger hoodie off and gently pulled it over my head. I sighed in relief as the warmth of the material and from his body engulfed me.

He smiled slightly once I was cosily dressed in it and safe from the bitter cold wind. He was wearing another hoodie, as though he knew that I'd get cold or come unprepared for the weather as always.

"Do you remember when we first found this place?" His voice was hushed and deep.

"I do. I'll never forget that memory," I smiled widely as I hugged my legs together.

"It took our parents three days to find us." He chuckled and I joined him.

"They let us do whatever we wanted ever since that day. I can't believe we survived on wild berries and water," I shook my head in amusement.

"Yeah. We slept in the forest for two nights, that was brave of us." We laughed again at his statement.

"I'd do anything to relive that memory, we had amazing survival skills for a seven and eight year old."

"Same here. I was good so long as I had you," Kylen's muscular arm wrapped around my shoulders and he pulled me into his warm chest. I smiled as I stared up at his face, his blue-green eyes illuminated by the bright light in the distance.

There was a certain emotion that flickered in his eyes but it was gone before I could decipher it. I didn't realize that we had both slowly leaned in till our noses were touching and I couldn't resist when his lips lightly brushed over mine, so light that it barely counted as a kiss, but that small gesture managed to make my heart skip a beat.

I couldn't feel that way for him, he was my best friend, a brother and a heartbreaker. Was it so wrong that I had felt something in me when he teased my lips like that? He seemed to realize that we had probably gotten carried away before turning his head away but he pulled me more into his chest.

We sat there for a little bit longer and before we knew it, it was already midnight. We decided to head back home and just like the old times, Kylen carried me on his back because I was very jaded from school, work and running in search of him.

We arrived at their mansion and he carefully opened the door. He didn't put me down and carried me all the way to his room. When he closed his door, he finally put me down then stared down at me intensely. I finally took note of the purple bruises on his cheek and without thinking, I pulled him into the bathroom.

I tiptoed to take the First Aid Kit from his bathroom cupboards and as usual, he helped up onto the counter then stood between my legs without so much as a question.

I dabbed some antiseptic onto the cotton wool before gently cleaning the bruises. They weren't as bad as Drake's but I never liked to see him hurt. He knew it too.

Kylen's hands were on my thighs as I treated his wounds. He didn't wince at any point, he was numb to the stinging effect of the medication.

After covering the treated bruises, I pulled a clean black t-shirt from his basket because the hoodie he was wearing had hints of blood.

𝐀𝐥𝐨𝐞'𝐬 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧| ✓ Where stories live. Discover now