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♡★𝓐𝓛𝓞𝓡𝓐 '𝓢  • 𝓟𝓞𝓥★♡

"Hello Son," Steve, Kylen' s dad walked into the kitchen.

He was appareled in a dark suit, his hair slicked back and he looked tall and thoroughly handsome. No wonder he'd cheat on his wife, he looked like a hot, filthy rich man. It was evident that he had passed his beauty genes to his sons.

"Hi," Kylen said without looking away from the fridge.

"I went to pick your brother up. I'm sure he'll be downstairs soon." His green eyes moved to me before a wide smile spread across his lips, "Alora, sweetheart. How have you been?" He outstretched his arms and I quickly slipped off the counter to give him a hug.

"I've been okay Dad, how have you been? You look good," he chuckled at my statement.

"I've been great. Just working, making sure that I keep you guys alive," he joked as I nodded with a laugh.

"We appreciate it. Are you staying for dinner?" I questioned curiously and his grimace told me his answer before he even did.

"I'm working late, unfortunately. But I'll be back by tomorrow, you can leave some for me to taste—"

"That won't be necessary," Kylen cut him off and I gave him a small glare.

"Don't worry about him, we'll leave some for you." I grinned widely.

"You're a sweetheart, thank you. So, I'll see you later tomorrow. Have a good night," Steve kissed my forehead gently and gave Kylen one last glance before leaving.

"He doesn't deserve your niceness," Kylen scowled as I walked over to where he was opening and washing the prawns.

"Don't say that Kylen, you know he's still Dad, no matter what he does." I squeezed his shoulder as he proceeded to ignore me.

"What's cooking in here?" We heard a much deeper voice speak from the kitchen doorway.

We simultaneously turned our heads to face Graysen, who looked extremely different after going to University for a whole year.

"Hey Graysen," I ran to hug him as well. He looked similar to Kylen but his hair was darker, almost black and his eyes were plain green.

"Hey Cutie. I haven't seen you in a while," he scanned me before winking.

"I haven't either. How was University?" I tilted my head.

"It was very interesting. I like it there, learning new things and figuring your way through life by yourself," he shrugged before greeting his brother.

"Graysen," Kylen smiled slightly as they hugged.

"You're growing taller, I guess I'm your little brother now." Graysen looked up at Kylen with a smile. "And the cheekbones keep getting sharper. You could literally slice my hand with them," he joked as we all laughed. It was true, Kylen's cheekbones were extremely sharp and carved to definite perfection. They made him look a lot like a rare model.

"It's all because of mom, have you seen hers?" He raised an eyebrow as Graysen shook his head.

"Yeah. Anyways, call me when you're done with dinner, I can count on you two to make the best dinner." Graysen took a bottle of orange juice.

"Thanks Gray, we'll call you." I held up a thumb before chopping up some ripe red tomatoes for the prawn curry sauce.

"Cheers." He walked out of the kitchen.

I chopped up some mushrooms and onions as well, while Kylen told me all about his upcoming basketball tournament.

He had such a great passion for basketball and he often played with my Dad. They had been playing together since he was young and those are one of their best and favorite memories. I had always been the cheerleader and spectator, I played occasionally but I was far too short to play against Kylen and win.

"You're honestly wife material, look at this." Kylen tasted my sauce as I giggled.

"I know right. You can arrange the plates, the prawn curry is ready." I stirred the simmering contents slowly.

"I'm wondering if I should go to school tomorrow or not," he spoke after taking the plates to the table.

"You should come. Who will I sit with? Or who will entertain me?" I pouted my lips.

"I guess I'll come then, for you only though." I nodded happily before tiptoeing to give him a kiss on the cheek.

"I'd like another on the mouth," he winked as I faked a gasp.

"Really? Why?"

"Because I deserve it. I could just sleep through my morning then play basketball in the afternoon, but I've sacrificed my entire schedule for you." He draped his arm over my shoulders.

"Hmm, you're my best friend anyways. It's expected of you," I patted his chest before taking the bowls of food to the large glass table.

"You're unbelievable Aloe, a little bit ungrateful too." He stuck his tongue out at me.

"I know. You always say that, but I won't let you blackmail me into giving you a kiss." I smirked widely.

"Yeah whatever. I'm starving anyway," he smirked back before settling down on his usual place.

Christine and Graysen ended up joining us and we talked about anything and everything. Christine told me all about being a therapist and what responsibilities came with it. Graysen talked about his favorite subjects and courses in University and his future career options.

Kylen talked about sport and his favorite practice time. I just listened attentively and encouraged them to go for their dreams and goals.

In no time at all, Kylen and I were already preparing for bed and he wouldn't stop making me laugh like a maniac.

"I swear you're literally a seven year old in a teenager's body. Come, let me help you brush your teeth," I laughed even harder as Kylen gave me a glare.

"Fuck you Aloe," he rinsed his mouth as I slapped his arm in amusement.

"I love you too." I pouted my lips into a kissy face.

"You don't love me, you've been making fun of me non-stop." He sounded sad but I couldn't stop laughing.

"No, no. I haven't, I'm just having a good time." I outstretched my arms to gesture for a hug.

"At my expense? Wow baby," Kylen shook his head as he walked to the bedroom.

I followed him before jumping onto his back. He was strong enough to carry me on his back, even without the help of his arms.

"Not at your expense. I'm sorry," I whispered into his ear before wrapping my arms tightly around his neck.

"You're not sorry," he mumbled whilst opening his grey silk bedsheets.

"I am, come on Kylen. How can I prove it?" I whined and I noticed his cheeks rise from smiling.

"A kiss, on the mouth." He gripped me from behind then pulled me to the front.

I looked up at his face and giggled loudly. He was awfully good-looking, any girl would have kissed him in a heartbeat, but I wasn't any girl.

"No. I'd rather not be sorry," I got out of his grip and flopped onto his huge but comfortable bed.

"I knew it, you're extremely stubborn." He smacked my ass before getting under the covers.

"I won't say yes, forget it. It's been two years, stop trying," I stuck my tongue out at him while joining him in bed.

"I know you'll give in eventually,"

"You're a player. I don't think I want to be another one of those heartbroken—"

"You won't Aloe, you'll never be one of those girls." His thumb stroked my cheek.

"Okay. Goodnight," I turned off my lamp and turned to my side.

"That's all? What? Wake up," he shook me before breathing into my ear.

"Get away from me, I have school and work tomorrow." I replied lazily as I realized just how exhausted I was.

"Fine. Goodnight then," he kissed my cheek, "I love you." He murmured lowly.

"I love you more Kylen."

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