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♡★𝓐𝓛𝓞𝓡𝓐 '𝓢 • 𝓟𝓞𝓥★♡

Bad Habits ~ Ed Sheeran

"Kylen, have you seen my jean skirt? I want to wear it today," I yelled as I searched my section of his closet.

"I think it's at the top, let me take it for you," he effortlessly stretched his arm to take the black skirt then handed it to me. "Nice panties by the way,"

"Shut up, we're already late and I couldn't care less about being naked," I sighed as I pulled the skirt on. I was wearing a white crop top then took some combat boots to finish the outfit off.

"You overslept. Even so, we could have saved time by showering together." He tied my shoelaces for me as I hastily brushed my untamed hair.

"There are many bathrooms in the house, but you were stupid enough to wait until I was done. I know better now. Next time, you'll bath outside and I'll bath in here." I nodded with a smile.

"Wow baby, you really have imagination. Anyways, we have to be leaving now," he grabbed one of his car keys as I took my bag.

"Yes. Let's run," I basically ran out of his room and all the way down the stairs. Kylen casually followed behind, unfazed by the fact that we were late.

"Breakfast, kids!" Christine called out as she pushed some large lunchboxes towards us.

"Thank you Mom, love you." I took my lunchbox and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Kylen did the same before following me to his brand new black Mercedes car.

"I'd appreciate it if you drove a little faster than usual. My Maths class has literally started right now," I told him as he slowly slipped into the car.

"Okay, calm down. It's just one day, you're still going to arrive anyways," he turned the ignition before reversing and speeding out of the gates.

By the time we got to school, my Math lesson had already finished and I basically had to wait for three hours for my next lesson.

I got out of the car with a disappointed expression and I completely ignored the girls who were screaming loudly when they saw Kylen.

"Oh come on Aloe, it was literally one lesson." He slung his arm around my shoulders. I could see the girls glaring at me already.

"I missed a Maths test, that's upsetting." I crossed my arms and walked down the corridor with him all the way to the sports fields. It was a test that I had genuinely studied for.

"Relax, I can easily get you a mark instead of that zero." He kissed my cheek before adjusting the dark glasses he was wearing.

"I don't want that. It doesn't matter anymore," I shrugged before settling on a free bench and taking my books out.

"Now don't be sad, you can write it separately-"

"She'll never allow it. I'm already in her bad books and she despises me-"

"Since it's so important to you, and I care about your happiness, I'll make a plan." He pulled his cellphone out before typing a few things.

"Hey Agnes, yeah it's Kylen." He held his large phone against his ear.

I realized that he was talking to my Maths teacher's favourite student and one of the biggest nerds in the school. She was considered extremely unattractive in the school because of her extremely rude behaviour and attitude.

"Oh you pretty thing, how could you have a crush on someone like me?" Kylen spoke in his manipulative playboy tone, that he often used to lure girls to fall for him.

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