𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒊𝒗𝒆

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"N-nèe-san...is that you?"

"Yes Tanjiro, I already know what happened...I'm sorry,  I should have came but when I slid down I somehow sprung my ankle and because of the cold I kind of... blacked out"

"It's fine nèe-san! Please don't over do! When we get to the village we can heal you!"

"It's okay, besides, Tomioka-San here was going to tell us where to go"

"She's right"


"Get to mountain Sokiria and look for an old man named Sekonji Urokodaki, when you find him tell him Giyu Tomioka sent you, also its cloudy so she seems to be alright at the moment but never let her be exposed to the sunlight" Giyu said and with that he left

"I guess we can start our journey now Tanjiro, but this time I will cary Nezuko!"

"But nèe-san how can you do that with a sprung ankle?" He asked with concern

"Oh! I totally forgot about that! Tanjiro can you bring me two sticks please" I asked

"Okay but, are you sure you're alright? How can you forget that you have a sprung ankle?

"It's really easy Tanjiro, when you have me worrying about the two of you and then finding out that your ok makes me forget the pain that I have, but now, my ankle is feeling a bit better"

"Im sorry we had you worried like that nèe-san.." tanjiro said a bit sad

"It alright, besides it's kind of my fault for not being there, now can you bring the sticks so I can fix my ankle and we can start are journey?"

"Sure" Tanjiro said in a happy tone wile giving me a closed eye smile


"Hey nèe-san, I found two sticks but they aren't the same size.."

"It fine, just give them here"

Well eventually he gave it to me but the size were quite... big

one was long and one was short, but it didn't mater, we have to hurry and give Nezuko a place with shade in it for now, since it's going to be sunny soon...

From what Tomioka said, it was going to be quite dangerous for her in the sun so we shouldn't take any chances

"Ok now we can start walking, Tanjiro can you pass Nezuko to me please?"

"Sure" he said giving me Nezuko

And with that we finally began are journey


To our luck we found a little cave for shelter. Me and Tanjiro decided that we will take Nezuko during the day by carrying her in a basket, so he went to go look for one wile I watched over her.

"Welcome back Tanjiro! Did you bring the basket?"

"Yea I brought it, and I brought some other thing to patch it up"

"Ok then, let me fix it"

"Here nèe-san!"

"Thank you " I said giving him a small smile

"By the way, where is Nezuko?" He asked

"She's in there" I said then pointing to the cave

"In there? But I don't see her"

"Just look again Tanjiro" I said giggling

"Nezuko, Nezuko? She's gone!....nope there she is."

Nezoko poked her head out of the small hole she made, but instead of a happy face she had a scared one

"She dug a hole?..my kid sister turned into a mole..." he thought


'I'm finally finished with this basket! now we can put Nezoko in here!' I thought to myself

"Tanjiro I'm Finnishd, is Nezuko still in that hole of hers?"

"Yea, she really dislikes the sun"

"I see, well then Nezuko do you mind getting inside of the basket?"

"Hmmp!" She tried to get in but sadly she was to big...

"Do you think we got a small basket Tanjiro?"

"Yeah, but I got an idea, when Nezuko was out of control and attacked me she got bigger, so I think she can get smaller"

"I see...Nezuko can you get smaller for us please?" I asked with a small smile

"Yes, smaller, Nezuko, get smaller!"


"Aww! she looks so cute in that basket! " I exclaimed

"Tanjiro can you bring me the cover for the basket"

"Sure" he said then giving it to me

"Well let's start walking, shall we? "And with that I put the basket that Nezuko was in on my back and began to walk.


Eventually it began to get really dark so because of that we let Nezuko out. Wile walking we were near our destination until a familiar smell came up to our noses

"That's the scent of blood, this path can be pretty rough"

"I smell it too, but what if someone is hurt?"

Then Tanjiro, Nezuko and I ran to the area where the scent of blood was coming from only to find a pale demon eating someone's corpse

"This is my territory! Anyone who sets foot on my terf, is ganna have to pay!"

'Oh no, it's a demon!' Tanjiro thought

"Something isn't quite right about you..hang on, are you two human?"

"Tanjiro give me the ax!"

"A nice thick one here I see, might as well take a bite" With that said, the demon charged at me giving me little time to swing the ax against him

"Hmm, just a little scratch though,  this shuld heal in no time. Well everything has already stopped" then again he charged at me

"I'm going to snap your neck then I'm gonna eat them juicy thighs of yours"

'excuse me?!'

But before he could his head was kicked of by Nezuko which shocked me and Tanjiro


"You bastards! What's humans and a demon doing teaming up!?"

"Wait he's still talkin?!?" Tanjiro thought

'Oh dear..he's growing arms from his head.'

"If you thought you can get away then you're wrong!" Then again he charged at me and again I blocked it with the ax

"No, your wrong!" I yelled throwing him to the tree

"You bastards! I won't let you get away with this!"

"Tanjiro what are you doing?"

"I gotta finish him off.. or he'll attack more people! I gotta do it-"

"Wait a minute!"

"Their is someone behind you...wearing a gobling mask...."

'I wonder if he's the man Tomioka-San was talking about...'


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