Chapter 2

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"Gemoni!" Lifeline and Octane were both looking at each other.

"Hey! What's going on?" Gemoni asked, looking at both of them with a raised eyebrow.

"He-" Lifeline started when Octane interrupted.

"I just needed to check my legs."

"Uh.... really? Legs?" Gemoni asked, getting more skeptical about what happened.

"Yeah. His metal ones? You know. They needed oil," Lifeline replied.

"Uh-huh. Anyways. Shoo Octane, I need to talk to Che." Gem dismissed him with her hands and dragged Lifeline inside her office, closing the door behind her. She smirked at Lifeline. "Really. Oil on his legs?"

"They were very creaky. You're welcome."

"Life, if you're hooking up with him, you could just say that."

"What?! No, he's like a brother to me..."


"Gemoni! " Lifeline exclaimed, slugging Gem on the arm.

"Ouch. Anyways, Crypto's a creep."


"Yeah. He tried to force me into doing his dirty work that would get me killed."

"Oof. Is that why I heard shots?

"Yeah. I had to get him off me."

"Off? Wait-"

"No, not like that. You know I would have shot him if he did."

"Oh. Good."

"Listen, I'll tell you what he asked me to do because... if I don't, he's gonna keep bothering me. If I do end up doing something, I wanna have someone to back me up."

"Well, then, go ahead."

"He thinks his sister's alive and that the game runners are holding her. Or something like that. He asked me to break into the office too."

"The hell?"

"Yeah, my thoughts exactly."

"Well, ya not going to do it right?"

"Of course not! I don't have a death wish."

"Ya are in a death game..."

"Life, this is no time for logic."

"Still. It's... Why ya?"

"I have no idea."

Just then, Lifeline's eyes widened behind Gem. Gemoni turned around instantly and saw Hack, who was hovering above them. She tackled it, before hearing the door unlock. Both ladies pulled out their P2020s.

"Uh, bonjour?" a sweet and bubbly voice asked, opening the door and peeking her head in.

"Oh," Gemoni sighed, putting the pistol away and grabbing Hack by the flaps. "It's you, Natalie."

"Oui," the legends started, walking in and closing the door. "I heard something happened between you and Crypto. Wanted to see if you were ok."

Gem couldn't help but smile. Wattson always hated conflict and tried to solve it whenever she could. She, however, did NOT intervene with Loba and Revenant. She knew better. "Thanks a bunch, mon ami, but I am completely fine," Gem responded with a grin on her face.

"Ok! There's a meeting in the cafeteria. I don't know why, but the game runners sound serious."

Gem and Ajay glanced at each other. "Game runners?" They asked in unison.

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