Chapter 8

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TW: This is the final chapter. This last chapter has a suicide towards the end. If you are struggling with thought of suicide, please don't read this. If you are currently suicidal, please reach out to any of these hotlines.
USA Text or Call number: 988


One Day Left.

The news spread quickly. Mirage was devastated. Wattson as well. Caustic just sat there. I went to my room. As I locked myself in, I put my headphones on, blasting music. I didn't wanna be in this moment anymore.

I pulled out a piece of paper, writing my name and the date on it. I addressed it to Octavio. Oh God.

What am I thinking?

I put the paper away, but then the guilt set in. You let him die. You're gonna die tomorrow. Might as well take the satisfaction away from them.

I grabbed the paper again, angrily erasing "To Octavio", and instead addressing it to the public. I wrote about how rigged the system was. How I had no chance. How my family's business was a hoax.

I wrote a letter to Octavio. I apologized for what I was about to do. I said that the only way to stop them was to do this. I didn't even know if I fully believed that.

"My dearest Octavio,

If you read this, it'll be too late and I'm probably long gone. I'm sorry. I can't stop myself from doing something once I set my mind to it.

Please, don't stop being you over this. This had absolutely nothing to do with you. It's more of a way that I can get back at my family and the system for making me go through this.

Next to this letter will be a ring. It was my mom's. I stole it from my house shortly after the accident. I want you to use it for whoever comes into your life after me. I have an idea on who it could be already.

Don't waste your time grieving me. Go do stunts. Please don't blow off your arms. And maybe get off the stims? For me? Like a final death wish? Can't say no, I'm gonna be haunting you.

I love you. And I will until I die.


There. One down. I thought about who else to write a letter too. I had to write one for Ajay. For Loba. I started working on them.


I'm sorry that I'm going to have to be another one of the people on your fatalities list. I can't think of another way to go out that won't hurt you as much as seeing the Syndicate do it for me.

Please look out for Octavio. Don't let him stop being himself, but for the love of God, don't let him blow himself up so he can see me sooner than it was intended for him,

I'm leaving you my car. I know you always liked it. Here's the number of a guy who will do any upgrades for you. For free.


That's it.


I sighed. What would I tell Loba? There wasn't much to say. I quickly grabbed the letters and the items I was gonna drop off. Sneakily, I made my way to each of their rooms, going and dropping the items off. After that, I made my way to the roof. I looked around. It was high. Way high. But not much higher than the dropships. I would be able to fall and not feel anything. I thought about it for a while. I sat on the ledge.

A couple of minutes passed, and I heard the familiar sound of pumps come through the door. Of course, Loba was there, walking through the door.


"Loba, please. You know that I'm not surviving this week," I said, turning towards her. My eyes pleaded.

"But are you really gonna do this?"

"I'm taking their satisfaction into my own hands. I'm not gonna let them do this to me."

She took a step. I got up. "Don't-"

"Loba. This is the only way."



"É minha vez.,," I said, cutting her off. "Eu te amo."

Loba's eyes teared up. "Ok. Fine. But can I get a hug?" She opened her arms. I walked over to her slowly and she met me in the middle. She squeezed me. As I went to let go, she didn't. "Let's go. I cannot believe you would try to leave me like this. Leave Octavio like this!" She pulled me towards the door as I struggled, elbowing her, pushing her away. In one of those, I stomped on her foot, which caused her to let go. She tried grabbing my arm but she missed. I turned around and ran to the ledge. I looked her way as she tried to grab me again. I blew a kiss her way before finally jumping.

They say your life flashes before your eyes when you die. As I fell, I could see Loba's sad, sobbing face look at me over the ledge. Then memories. Straight memories.

"And this is the factory. It can make you anything you want." My mom and dad. They spoiled me rotten.

"I'm sorry Little Reyes, your mother and father won't be returning..." Mr. Lucas. The family butler. My second father until he died.

"I'm sorry, Miss. The cancer wasn't just in his heart. It spread, and we didn't know until we got in there..." The doctor who told me Lucas had died on the table.

"You need to loosen up, it's just a game. We won't die playing qualifiers..." My friend David. We promised to survive qualifiers.

"Please David, you promised you wouldn't die!" My cries as someone hit him in the heart. I don't know if he died, But I never saw him after that.

"Hey, I'm Octavio. You seem fast chica, wanna team up? The day I met Octavio.

All I could think about now was just reaching the floor. I counted down.




A/N - And that's it. Oh thank God.

A lot of you might be like: Why would you have her die, and why this way?

This way was only because I had the bright idea to write it. I knew Gem was gonna die either way. Just a matter of how.

Hope you enjoyed. I know I did.

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