In the eyes of the Beholder

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This is why I implore you not force yourself to try look a specific way because you want to please someone, you'll be miserable. 
We live in a trend-driven society. One thing is popular for a short time, and then it becomes unpopular and a new trend emerges.
We've seen how, once upon a time, women had to be skinny to be beautiful; this has changed.
Women used to be rejected if they didn't have the biggest breasts, but that has changed as well.
The famous quote that says " beauty is in the eye of the beholder " what does it really mean?
Beauty cannot be objectively assessed because what one person finds "perfect" .  Physically, looking " perfect" is a different meaning in everyone's eyes.
We can see that the biggest butts are now getting the most attention. As a result, many women feel compelled to undergo cosmetic surgery in order to "look and feel better."
There was a time when girls, and people in general, with large lips were bullied for them, forcing them to hide them. And what about now? Many girls spend a lot of money to get fillers and have the biggest lips possible in order to feel pretty.
We can't please everyone. Someone may prefer the curviest girl with full bodies, whereas another may prefer a girl with a slim physique. These are both lovely; neither is superior to the other; it is simply a matter of personal preference. As a result, you cannot classify a particular appearance as the beauty standard.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to change something about your appearance. However, make sure you're doing it for you and only you, and not because every other girl is doing it and you want to be like them. Make sure it's something you really want and that you know will make you feel 100 times more confident. Because you'll still be unhappy if you change something about yourself because it's what others think makes you looks better rather what you really want to look like.

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