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Detroit, Michigan

A Year Later

 It's been a year since Dayvon been in jail and yeah the two were writing but the pair broken off as a result due to Whitney hold on Aaliyah contacts

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It's been a year since Dayvon been in jail and yeah the two were writing but the pair broken off as a result due to Whitney hold on Aaliyah contacts. Aaliyah graduated from high school and began helping her mother at her job as a intern at the law firm.

Dayvon mother Ms.Ronita kept contact with Aaliyah, she was still unaware it was Aaliyah mother that called the police on her son. Even though Ronita loved Whitney, Aaliyah knew Ronita would snap on Whitney.

"Aaliyah, Aaliyah you ready.", Whitney said as she managed to open up Aaliyah door and poke her head into her room. "Yes mama.", Aaliyah said fixing her jacket as her crop top was straighten out

Denzel smiled as Aaliyah and Whitney walked down upstairs as Denzel smiled happily again. "My girls, my two favorite women.", Denzel placing his arms around them

As the door flung happen, Whitney and Aaliyah saw Ronita riding around with an older man. "You see that, that's why I didn't want you around.", Whitney said as Aaliyah clenched her jaw trying not to say anything

"Ma let's go.", Aaliyah sighed. Even though it's been a year her heart belongs to Dayvon. Aaliyah wasn't seeing anybody she didn't plan to. Aaliyah was waiting on the man she loves

Meanwhile Dayvon was having his weekly visits with his new girl Misharron. He had gotten bigger and his dreads got longer. Misharron was holding Dayvon hands as she sighed

"It's almost over baby, your coming home.", Misharron said as Dayvon rubbed his chin while smirking at her. "Yeah I'm coming home to you.", Dayvon said as Misharron smiled

Deep down Dayvon knew that was a lie he was coming right back to Aaliyah. He didn't care what Aaliyah mother had to say, he was certain she was made for him. No other woman was replacing that

Aaliyah and Whitney walked inside the firm building into the main lobby that was filled with important people. She saw the flashy clothes every one was wearing even Aaliyah, it wasn't necessarily her style but she had to please her mother

"Mrs. Brown how's it going this must be your daughter Aaliyah.", A man said with another man beside him that looks to be his son.

"Yes my pride and joy and my heart and soul.", Whitney said as her eyes shifted to the young man beside him. "Oh this is my son Fredric.", The man said and honestly the boy didn't look like to be apart of the function

", The man said and honestly the boy didn't look like to be apart of the function

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He had a tattoo right in the middle of his eyes and his eyes literally spelled trouble deep within him. Fredric gave Aaliyah a little smirk while smiling at his father.

"Nice to meet you Aaliyah, aye may we talk while y'all do whatever.", Fredric said as his father smiled and looked at Whitney. Whitney was uncertain and didn't wanna align her daughter with another thug like Dayvon

"Ok, behave now girl.", Whitney said as Aaliyah gave her a glare. Aaliyah watched as the parents walked away but she can still feel Fredric intense stare at her

"You let yo mama still talk to ya like that, to fine to still be treated like a child.", Fredric said as Aaliyah scoffed while rolling her eyes. "Been like that forever so nothing new.", Aaliyah shrugged

"You wanna have some fun.", Fredric said with his hand on her waist. Aaliyah looked at him and honestly she could use some fun really. Fredric held up a bottle look like medicine but she was far from dumb

"Codeine huh.", Aaliyah said as Fredric smirked as his arms wrapped around Aaliyah waist pulling her to the lobby closet. Once inside Aaliyah sat on the floor beside Fredric, who for some reason, had everything he needed for his drink

Aaliyah watched the mixture Fredric pouring as he was focused on his cup. "By the way call me Fredo hate niggas that call me by my government that's opp shit.", Fredric said as Aaliyah nodded

Fredric took a strong gulp of his lean as he began pulling out a blunt he neatly rolled back in his cigar wrapper. He handed Aaliyah the cup as she took a sip, it wasn't her first time but definitely her first time in a while drinking it

"Keep drinkin li mama.", Fredo said as he lit up the blunt and inhaled it. The taste was good and Aaliyah couldn't get enough before she passed it to Fredo, who in return passed her the blunt

As she was inhaling the smoke in her system next thing she realize Fredo lips was on hers and for the first time in a while she didn't even care

Meanwhile with Dayvon he stood up watching the officer uncuffed his hands. "Well Mr. Collins you lucky the court couldn't find evidence of a kidnap on you and was willing to drop the other troubles. I highly doubt you'll stay out of trouble though.", The man said

Dayvon looked at him blankly and smacked his lips at the man. "Man that was my girl, wasn't no kidnapping done.", Dayvon said as the man nodded as he sighed

"Look Dayvon you do have court ordered rules, you have to still be away from her until from a year.", The man said as Dayvon kept a hard look at him.

Dayvon felt the world didn't want him and Aaliyah to be together at all. He wasn't going for it he knew he who wanted and who he wanted to be with. Nobody was stopping the love that him and Aaliyah have for one another

"Aight man.", Dayvon sighed but he knew he wasn't gonna listen as he grabbed the rest of his stuff and enjoyed the walk of freedom


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