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Detroit, Michigan

In the last 4 weeks Aaliyah settled in with Dayvon, and the two was getting back to their normal selves she still had yet to end her relationship with Fredo and disclosed the information that he wasn't the father

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In the last 4 weeks Aaliyah settled in with Dayvon, and the two was getting back to their normal selves she still had yet to end her relationship with Fredo and disclosed the information that he wasn't the father

She had so much on her plate, she was still working and everything and she still offered Ronnie money for letting her stay, even if Ronnie kept telling Aaliyah she didn't need to give her money

Dayvon was still hustling even more now in the streets than anything he wanted to make sure his son never asked for nothing in this horrible ass world

Aaliyah laid out on Dayvon bed as he rubbed her feet as she groaned. Dayvon eyes was kept on Aaliyah stomach it was interesting watching it grow the last 4 weeks, definitely more interesting since he finally went to a doctor appointment with her and saw his son for the first time

"Von, you been rubbing my feet for the past 20 minutes.", Aaliyah said as Dayvon smacked his lips while his eyes drifted up to his beautiful baby mother. "So, gotta make sure my wife straight.", Dayvon said making a slight blush appear on Aaliyah face

"I'm still your wife, even with everything that happened.", Aaliyah said as Dayvon smirked a bit looking Aaliyah dead in her eyes. "I don't give a fuck about what's going on, we a family now.", Dayvon said as Aaliyah pager kept ringing off

Dayvon eyes squinted as he saw it was Fredo, probably wondering what Aaliyah been up since she was dodging him. "Man that nigga don't take hints, if a girl dodge me I know we done with.", Dayvon said smacking his lips making Aaliyah chuckle

"Stop being mean boy.", Aaliyah said as Dayvon Leaned back a little as Aaliyah sat up. "How you been feeling.", Dayvon asked referring to the whole Whitney and Aaliyah Situation

It still broke Aaliyah heart that her mother just wasn't down even though Fredo wasn't the biological father. All Aaliyah wanted to know what was Whitney real issue with Dayvon she felt she couldn't choose between them it wasn't fair because Whitney came first of course, but Whitney didn't see it like that

"That's my mother, I love her. I always will and continue to do so. I just don't get it, my whole life I've tried making her proud of me. So this was the final call for her, when you and Fredo act jus alike.", Aaliyah said as Dayvon nodded

He knew the stress Aaliyah was under, and it wasn't healthy at all. Dayvon knew Aaliyah was on the verge of crashing out. "I get you love her, but our li nigga on the way think what's best for him.", Dayvon said as Aaliyah nodded

"I gotta go see my daddy real quick, behave yourself Von.", Aaliyah said as Dayvon crashed his lips into hers making her smile as he pulled away. "For you I will.", Dayvon said as Aaliyah smiled

Meanwhile with Bobby, he was furious. Him and Whitney had been arguing like cats and dogs and Denzel didn't wanna intervene between the two parents discussing their daughter he felt it wasn't his place

"You dead ass wrong though, she the only child we got in this fucked up world.", Bobby said as Whitney smacked her lips. She felt Bobby had no business trying to play a concerned father

"I raised her Bobby, she's more of my child than yours.", Whitney said as Bobby laughed at that statement as his hands went to his pockets. "Right now she's more of my child than yours then Whit.", Bobby said

Bobby held his hand up as he sighed. "I gotta go my pregnant daughter and unborn grandson is coming over I gotta make sure I'm there." , Bobby said while leaving

Aaliyah was parked outside her father drive way as Bobby pulled up. He quickly got out the car and helped Aaliyah out of hers he looked down with a wide smile seeing his daughter pregnant stomach

"Damn your stomach got big.", Bobby said as Aaliyah cheesed widely showing off her dimples as Bobby smiled. "Thank you daddy.", Bobby kissed Aaliyah head

"I can only imagine that boy having your smile.", Bobby said watching his only daughter. "Thank you daddy for real, for everything.", Aaliyah said as Bobby smile

"Aye it's all good you've always been a good girl, so when am I gonna meet the father.", Bobby asked as Aaliyah chuckled

"Soon but daddy I gotta go.", Aaliyah said as she kissed her father as Bobby smiled giving her a big hug

Meanwhile with Dayvon he was hanging at the trap and his boys spotted Fredo. Fredo looked very deep in thought the man looked like he lacked sleep for a while

"Y'all be nice the man girl ran off with his baby, then she ain't returning his calls.", Cedric said Dayvon could've cracked out laughing but kept his composure

"Maybe she needs space.", Dayvon said as Antonio shook his head. "If she single y'all think I gotta go at her I don't mind playing step daddy.", Dayvon glared at Antonio, who shrugged, in response

"Man maybe she felt pressured Aight, she is having a baby and she might be stressed and need to get a way for a while.", Antonio said

Dayvon huffed he couldn't wait till the day Fredo really find out Dayvon is the real father. Since he saw Aaliyah and Fredo together he made it his mission to rub in Fredo face that Aaliyah was his

He didn't wanna feel in competition with no nigga, Aaliyah was his wife, his future and it was no stopping that...


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