181 10 3

Detroit, Michigan

As Von rushed inside the hospital he was greeted by Mya, who looked in a hurry

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As Von rushed inside the hospital he was greeted by Mya, who looked in a hurry. "Follow me.", Mya said as Von nodded going down a long hall he noticed the sign say "The Baby Floor".

As the two went inside Aaliyah room, Von gave her a teasing smile as she smiled a little back at him. "Lil folk trying to come out huh.", Von said walking over to Aaliyah ignoring everyone else placing a kiss on Aaliyah head .

By that point the doctor came in, Von must've made it on time. "Alright Aaliyah you ready, you've dilated enough.", The doctor said as Von eyed her just already waiting

Unbeknownst to everyone Fredo was gathering his plans for the ultimate get back towards Aaliyah and Von. Fredo knew he should let Aaliyah go but truth to be told he fell in love

Von watched as the doctor instructed Aaliyah to push he glared at the male doctor for being the one to deliver his son more importantly seeing his woman naked down below

Ronnie hit Von chest as he shrugged already knowing where her son head was at. As Von held Aaliyah hand he hated she was in pain as he pushed her sweaty hair to the side.

"I can't Von, it hurts.", Aaliyah whined as Von looked at her with so much love in his eyes. "I know but the sooner the better then it'll be all over.", Von said while soothing Aaliyah hair


Meanwhile with Fredo he was still heaving. Fredo couldn't described how pissed he was at Von and Aaliyah. He knew something had to be done but now he was sure of it.

"I don't give a fuck I want them Niggas dead.", Fredo said as Ant sighed. Ant knew it was risky fucking with Von on that level.

"That's my boy.", Ant said as Fredo chuckled making Ant look at him with an annoyed face expression

"Your boy, how he balling but y'all not.", Fredo said and That hit a lick within Ant

Ant smacked his lips as he adjusted his pants. "Man how you wanna do this.", Ant said making Fredo smile


Weighing at only 6 lbs 7 oz Aaliyah and Von welcome their first born child. Brandon Bobby Collins and he was truly beautiful.

Born with head set of hair he had Aaliyah smile but the eyes of his father and perfect arched eyebrows like his mother that was mighty thin but you knew it was gonna be coming in fast

Aaliyah softly rubbed his hair while everyone was cooing over the new baby. Von stood their happy as can be staring at his newborn. He was certain if someone ever touched his family they for sure had a death wish waiting.

"My grandbaby so handsome.", Ronnie said smiling like a proud grandmother as it broke Aaliyah heart her mother couldn't share the joyous reaction like Ronnie. But hey she wouldn't change it for the world

"You already know Lil 4 nem, You always protected.", Von said making Aaliyah smile at the interaction Von was having with their baby

Next thing the group heard was a knock on the door the figure on the other side revealing himself was Denzel surprisingly with no Whitney

Aaliyah was silently hoping for her mother was disappointed when it was only Denzel. "There go the beautiful mama.", Denzel said making Aaliyah cheesed at him

"Denny, I'm so happy to see you.", Aaliyah smiled as her father walked in smiling proudly while looking down at his step grandson

"Hey, I'm so happy you came.", Aaliyah said as Denzel walked over as Von kept a protective hand around Aaliyah and their son

"Look at him, he's amazing.", Denzel whispered to Aaliyah as he looked at the infant child in her arms and he was honestly upset with Whitney for not showing up to the birth of her only grandchild

Just then Bobby walked in with balloons and flowers smiling proudly as his eyes set upon his grandson and smiled at his daughter. "My baby had a baby, what's his name LiLi.", Bobby sitting the gifts down as Aaliyah was happy at least one of her parents was present

"Brandon Bobby Collins.", Aaliyah said as Bobby could've cried on spot. "Your named him after me, my babygirl.", Bobby said as he looked at Von, who was letting Aaliyah feel all the well deserved love

"Congratulations on the son young man.", Bobby said as him and Von dapped each other and just then Aaliyah phone started going off as Von picked up

You think we're over huh- Fredo

"This bitch ass nigga wanna die.", Von mumbled as something inside told him to look outside the window. "Von what you doing boy.", Ronnie said as Von huffed seeing a black SUV outside

"Say ma imma be back.", Von said while texting some of his homies. He couldn't believe niggas was down to get crazy like that especially during the day his baby was born

Von started clutching his strap while silently creeping around the hospital to make sure he wasn't seen. He didn't care where he was at, he had to protect Aaliyah and their son

Von went down the stairs as Aaliyah felt something strange inside. Aaliyah held their newborn son as Bobby kissed her head, and Ronnie stayed an awe of the newborn in Aaliyah arms

"Daddy, can you check on Von.", Aaliyah asked as Bobby nodded with a smile kissing her head lightly.

"Ok babygirl.", Bobby said as he went outside to find Von.

During the corner of his eye he saw Von clutching and a black SUV, and that's when Hail Mary rang off

Over dozen arounds ranged off as Bobby took cover the commotion was running rapid as the security guards started running outside of the hospital

Once the SUV was nowhere in sight all Bobby could here.

"Get the stretcher there's a young a man whose been shot.",

Bobby looked up to see Von on the ground bleeding as he mumbled. "Oh shit"


Sorry for the long wait

Gonna finish this book

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