451 23 4

Detroit, Michigan

3 Weeks Later

Aaliyah was walking through the neighborhood with her new friend Kidada, she met Kidada at her mother law firm

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Aaliyah was walking through the neighborhood with her new friend Kidada, she met Kidada at her mother law firm. Aaliyah was dressed in baggy pants with a bandana tied to her waist with a white fitted tank top

Aaliyah was still having a sexual relationship with Fredo. Aaliyah was sure Fredo developed feelings for her and she did owe it to herself to finally get her life going.

"Girl all im saying that nigga wanna be with you, you playing.", Kidada said as Aaliyah chuckled at that comment. "Girl I don't know the sex good but I'm chilling.", Aaliyah said as Kidada smacked her lips

Meanwhile with Dayvon he was in his mama house as he lit a blunt beside his mother. "Finally let you out my boy.", Ms. Ronita said as Dayvon chuckled

"Yeah mama, I still can't be with Aaliyah.", Dayvon sighed as Ronnie looked at him sadly. "She misses you to Dayvon, she still loves you.", Ronnie reassured Dayvon

"They never told me neither have you why did they arrest you for Von.", Ronnie asked he could've easily put Whitney under the bus now that he knew it was her but he couldn't blame Aaliyah and definitely didn't wanna his mama to know either

"Kidnapping some nigga.", Dayvon said leaving it like that Ronnie said but she understood his reluctance. "Well your home now, that's all that matters, you should go out and have fun.", Ronnie said as Dayvon chuckled

"Don't worry mama im about to leave.", Dayvon said knowing his mama just wanted to be grown. So he was gonna let have it.

Aaliyah was on the block towards Fredo house as he was placing kisses on her Neck as she laughed. Kidada was posted with some man laughing and enjoying herself to same with Bey.

"Baby girl you look fine as fuck.", Fredo said as his hand rested on her lower back as she smiled. "Boy you always tell me that.", Aaliyah said with a laugh as Fredo kept trying to stick his tongue in her mouth

"Say Fredo look.", Fredo friend said as the kiss was interrupted as everyone saw a black suv pulled up with tinted windows with flashy rims.

As soon as the person stepped out Aaliyah mouth dropped their was the love of her life Dayvon, getting out of the passenger seat was some girl walking up to him holding his chest and Aaliyah felt her jaw tightened

"Ayo welcome home Von.", Fredo said with a smirk as Dayvon smirked but his smile instantly faltered when he noticed the girl beside Fredo was the woman of his dreams, the one and only, Aaliyah

"Thank partna, so this ya man LiLi.", Von said as Aaliyah lifted her eyebrows towards Von. "Yeah this your girl.", Aaliyah said before Dayvon can say anything Misharron stepped in

"Yeah baby I'm Brat, who you?", Misharron said as Kidada and Beyoncé walked beside Aaliyah. "He said just said my name, listen honey.", Aaliyah said as Fredo felt the tension

"Man y'all know each other.", Fredo blurted as Von smacked his lips as Aaliyah scoffed. "Use to, come on Fredo.", Aaliyah said pulling Fredo arms as Dayvon felt himself ready to swing on Fredo

Von wasn't crazy, Fredo level of craziness was on Von level probably a little higher. Fredo was a whole mental patient walking, meaning the man had no screws and no remorse for whatever he did. Von use to respect Fredo but seeing him with Aaliyah made that shit dead

As Aaliyah and Fredo sat in his car he pulled out a bottle of percs with a smile. He leant over kissing all around Aaliyah face as he gave her the lean with the perc

"Just take it baby.", Fredo insides was burning from the sight of the stare off with Von and Aaliyah. Fredo instantly got attach to Aaliyah, she was the prime example of a wife and a good girl, he was gonna make Aaliyah forget what happened earlier

Misharron was on Dayvon case as he wasn't trying to hear it. "Who was that bitch?", Misharron said as Dayvon smacked his lips at her. "Watch your mouth she not a bitch, she wasn't even talking to you at first you jumped in.", Dayvon said

Misharron looked at Dayvon sideways as hell. "Because she came for my man.", Misharron said and a lot of sexual negative thoughts entered his mind as he shook his head

"Man chill out she still my dawg this her first time seeing me in a while, get in the car.", Von said forcibly opening his car door nudging Misharron inside as she sighed with a comply as she got in Von whispered in one of his guys ear as he went to find Aaliyah

Meanwhile With Fredric and Aaliyah, Aaliyah laid sleep with Fredo jacket on as she still was on a effect of Fredric drugs

Fredric smiled after realizing that he actually made sure Aaliyah wasn't going nowhere. But it did spark a few hatred towards Dayvon, he didn't know the deal between them but he felt it

Fredric looked over at Aaliyah with a smile on his face while keeping one hand on the steering wheel he pushed Aaliyah long Black hair out her face admiring her beautiful features

"Your mine, fuck Von.", Fredo said with a grin but unknowingly to them Von grabbed Aaliyah out the car and picked her up bridal style as Von held a gun up in one hand while holding Aaliyah

Aiming the gun at Fredo Von squinted his eyes once more at Fredo. "Leave it playa, I came to collect my girl .", Von said as he stayed pointing the gun at Fredo as by that point two of Von friends came holding their guns to ensure Von safety from Fredo

Fredo was raving with anger as he watched Von take Aaliyah. Fredo knew Aaliyah body was to high to comprehend what was going on. "Letting that nigga drug you, you know better than that.", Von said as he put Aaliyah in the other car his friend had As they made they to Von house


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