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Detroit, Michigan

Aaliyah was in final stage of pregnancy and honestly she was glad

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Aaliyah was in final stage of pregnancy and honestly she was glad. Pregnancy was tiresome for Aaliyah, she hated being exhausted everyday. On top of that Aaliyah was put on bed rest till the arrival of her baby.

Von was working even harder, since their son was about to be born soon. Von needed to make sure his son and wife would never want for nothing . He faithfully believed a man should always take care of his family but that was just him.

Whitney and Aaliyah wasn't on speaking terms and honestly Aaliyah could've cared less. Her main focus was set on her baby arriving healthy into the world with the surrounding people who love him already unconditionally

Aaliyah laid on the bed eating chips and ice cream watching "Family Matters" reruns. It was crazy she remembered the day the episode was first released and now it feel like ages ago. Kidada and Mya was arguing over a magazine

"Bitch you crazy you think Brad Pitt ain't fine.", Mya said giving Kidada a shocked expression as Kidada rolled her eyes on how Dramatic Mya was being.

All of this was over a magazine cover of Brad Pitt and all Kidada didn't have time. "I didn't say he was ugly I said he was ok.", Kidada not getting the issue

"He's more than ok, LiLi what you think.", Mya asked as Kidada looked at Aaliyah. Aaliyah laid there looking at both with the chip in her mouth, she raised her finger gesturing they give her a minute

Once she finally got the chip in, Aaliyah sighed. "He ok.", Aaliyah said grabbing her ice cream as Kidada clapped her hands. "Exactly damn.", Kidada said as Mya huffed as she sat the magazine down

"So y'all it's a party coming up next month by that time Aaliyah would have already had the baby and could enjoy one last time with her friends.", Mya said as Aaliyah squinted

"I'm suppose to be on a 6 month rest.", Aaliyah said simply as Mya shook her head. "You won't be drinking, you just be there mingling making new friends if Von cool with it.", Mya said as Aaliyah chuckled

"He should be, by that time Von could watch him by himself.", Aaliyah said as Mya squealed. "Exactly, so Kidada you down.", Mya said as Kidada nodded as she grabbed Aaliyah chips

"Bitch please, these are mine.", Aaliyah said snatching the bag away from Kidada as Mya eyed the chips. Aaliyah catches it and shook her head. "I'm to fucking pregnant to run here man.", Aaliyah said throwing the bag at Kidada

The girls laughed as Aaliyah sighed feeling content a little for the first time in years. She was reeling from hurting the people she loved but it's quite simple they didn't care for the well being of hers either.

Aaliyah got up as best as she could as Kidada helped her off the bed. Aaliyah sighed with a slight chuckle as she placed her hand on Kidada shoulder. "Thank DaDa.", Aaliyah cheesed as she went upstairs to where Ronnie was at

Ronnie was watching Moesha as Aaliyah went to the refrigerator as Ronnie turned around. "My grandson hungry huh.", Ronnie smiled

Aaliyah nodded showing off her dimples a bit. "Yeah he's been hungry all day.", Aaliyah said. "Girl eat as much as you like. Have you settled on a name yet?", Ronnie asked

"Actually yeah, but I was wondering can you help come up with the middle. You've been with me at my lowest I'm forever grateful and I wanted you to be the one to help me with that.", Aaliyah said as Ronnie heart felt full

Ronnie rushed over to Aaliyah as the two fell into a hug.", Oh baby.", Ronnie said kissing the top of Aaliyah head. She'd known Aaliyah since she was a little girl, she really did view Aaliyah as the daughter she never had.

Aaliyah felt a strange wet feeling pooling down legs as her eyes trailed the substance. "Um I think my water just broke.", Aaliyah said as Ronnie quickly look down

"Get your things Aaliyah we going to the hospital I'm calling Von.", Ronnie said as the two spranged into action as Ronnie dialed Von number.

Von was in the process of spying on Fredo, he'd been doing it everyday now. Fredo said a threat that could be a promise, Von had to make sure he acted first by any means necessary for his family sake.

Von felt his phone ringing as he quickly answered it making sure his cover wasn't blown as he looked around and settled back in on Fredo.

Von could hear his mother bringing hard on the other end. "What's up with you, you good ma.", Von said as the only thing that came out of Ronnie mouth that Von seem to catch

"Aaliyah about to have the baby we taking her to the hospital.", Ronnie said as Von nodded as he smacked his lips. His son would be born when he was spying on his target. "Imma beat that nigga ass when he born but I'm on my way.", Von said ending the call

Von eyes gave Fredo a dark stare. "My son saved that bitch ass Nigga for today.", Von said driving away without making anybody notice him....


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