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Detroit, Michigan

Aaliyah laughed uncontrollably as she watched Dayvon set up the crib

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Aaliyah laughed uncontrollably as she watched Dayvon set up the crib. "No Von, wrong end baby.", Aaliyah pointed with Dayvon glaring at her going to the lower end of the crib

"This is a classic, I'm telling Vontrell his daddy couldn't set up his crib.", Aaliyah said while dying of laughter as her deep dimples was on full effect

Dayvon loved it when Aaliyah dimples showed out and he loved it more when he was the reason causing it. "Who the fuck is Vontrell.", Dayvon said as Aaliyah rolled her eyes

"Your son, I just thought of it.", Aaliyah cheesed as Von stood up and walked towards Aaliyah with a smile and Leaned his head down giving her a kiss as she smiled

"You lucky I love yo ass.", Von said as he stroked Aaliyah long black hair as she smiled. "I love you to Von.", Aaliyah said as Von smiled

The two was actually in a Better place, Fredo was still unaware of the romance between Dayvon and Aaliyah. Not like the two cared they felt they deserved where they are right now in their life

"Von, don't forget I'm about to go to Kidada house. You behave.", Aaliyah said in a warningly tone while pointing her finger at Dayvon

Dayvon smacked his lips as he looked down at her. "Always going somewhere.", Dayvon said as Aaliyah hit his chest

Dayvon watched Aaliyah fixed herself back up and head out. He meant when he said he wanted to give Aaliyah the world, she needed a man, and not a lame

Aaliyah walked inside Kidada house while Kidada was watching "Days of our lives" as she yelled at the tv.

"Don't do it girl, he's cheating on you with your mother.", Kidada yelled as Aaliyah shook her head and smirked

"Don't you think she would've left if she knew that.", Aaliyah said as Kidada turned around with a startled face expression as she sighed. "Girl don't be coming up on me like that.", Kidada said teasingly

Aaliyah chuckled as she looked down at her fingers and Kidada instantly knew something was wrong. "What happen?", Kidada asked as Aaliyah sighed

"Can you come with me to tell Fredo the truth, I didn't want Von to do it for obvious reasons.", Aaliyah said as Kidada jumped up and grabbed her strap

Aaliyah eyes went towards the gun. "Really, what for?", Aaliyah asked as Kidada scoffed. "He a hood nigga who pride about to be broken and we two females we need a strap since Von ain't coming.", Kidada said

Aaliyah knew Kidada was right, but what Aaliyah didn't expect was for Kidada to pull a gun out. Aaliyah furrowed her eyebrows an amazement watching Kidada hold it

"When you get that?", Aaliyah questioned as Kidada chuckled but winked. "Been had it, you think a nigga about to play with me. Hell no.", Kidada said firmly as Aaliyah chuckled

"I fucking love you.", Aaliyah smiled as Kidada cheesed happily. "I fucking love you to LiLi.", Kidada said happily

The two girls got up and proceeded to head to Fredo house. Aaliyah heart was on speed race, she knew she couldn't keep lying. Aaliyah knew what she wanted and who she wanted, she was finally at a point that she wanted to live her life herself.

The two pulled into Fredo drive way as they knocked on the door and was greeted by Fredo mother Joyce as she smiled at the two.

"Aaliyah, Kidada hey. How's my grandbaby.", Joyce said pointing at Aaliyah stomach. Aaliyah heart broke hearing Joyce say that, her she was in the woman house about to tell her son that he wasn't the father of her suppose grandson

"He's fine, have you seen Fredo.", Aaliyah said quickly ending the topic off the baby. "In his room per usual help yourself.", Joyce said.

Kidada rolled her eyes to herself. "We was planning on it.", Kidada mumbled as Aaliyah nudged her as Kidada nodded as they walked to Fredo room

Aaliyah knocked as Fredo turned from his bed as he opened the door and instantly greeted Aaliyah with a smile. "Hey baby, what's up.", Fredo said kissing Aaliyah cheek as he open the door wider for Aaliyah and Kidada

The two girls stayed near the door just in case some did pop off they would run straight out. Fredo sat down on the bed and eyed Aaliyah and Kidada both and notice them acting oddly strange.

"So what's up.", Fredo asked as Aaliyah nodded while Kidada stayed clutching the gun. Aaliyah gulped as she said the words. "We need to talk.", Loud and Clear.

"About?", Fredo asked as Aaliyah fumbled with her fingers, her anxiety level was threw the roof. "About us and the baby.", Aaliyah said as Kidada looked at Aaliyah as rubbed her back

Kidada knew Aaliyah hated hurting people, but how Kidada saw it nobody cared if they hurted Aaliyah and hated how fair Aaliyah was.

"What's going on?", Fredo asked and honestly Aaliyah was tired. Aaliyah was tired hiding and couldn't walk around with the constant stress she needed to do what was right

"I think we should break up, your cool and all but I just need to focus on my son.", Aaliyah said as Fredo got up and Aaliyah kept her posture not wanting to show a ounce of fear

"Our son, and we can do that together.", Fredo said as Aaliyah kept shaking her head. "My son Fredric, and we can't.", Aaliyah said.

"We can we wanna be a family like most people. Like how there's a father and a mother and the son.", Fredo said as Kidada rolled her eyes frustrated.

"Nigga she wanna break up and raise her baby.", Kidada said as Aaliyah looked at Kidada as Kidada waved her hand in defense. "What? The Nigga stupid.",Kidada said blankly

"She ain't taking my son, I wanna be there and stop calling it her baby it's both of ours.", Fredo said as Aaliyah huffed.

"Fredric it's my baby, your not his father.", Aaliyah said as Fredo stared at Aaliyah in shock.



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