Chapter 28

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This chapter is dedicated to Gold4Silver, because she left the sweetest comment a few chapters back! I'm still not over it. :)

Song above is Breakeven by The Script. Love them, btw.

And Adam (aka Andrew's brother) is Sean O'Donnell.

Chapter 28

Andrew's POV

The boy that pops up on the screen reminds me of my mother.

His eyes are the same shade of electric blue as my mother's. And he gives off the kind, smart vibe like my mother.

Unlike her though, his brown hair is cut short in a similar style such as mine. I'm assuming he's around fourteen or fifteen, just a few years younger than me. He's sporting a navy blue sweatshirt, but that's all I can see as far as his attire goes. The expression on his face is similar to mine.


We sit in an awkward silence, the both of us just staring at each other and having no clue what to say. He glances around the room he's in, while I twiddle my thumbs on top of Hailey's desk, biting my lip.

This is so unbearably awkward.

I cough to fill the silence, and he scratches his neck nervously, occasionally glancing at me. I can only imagine what's going through this kid's head. Judging by his facial expression, he's thinking the same things as me.

"Andrew," Hailey whispers from behind me, and I gladly turn around to face her. "Say something," she urges.

I groan inwardly and turn back to the screen.

You can do this you idiot, I think to myself. I have to repeat it over and over in order to believe it.

Then, taking a deep breath, I force out the word, "Hey." It took all the strength I had to say one simple word.

Adam snaps his head in my direction at my voice. He looks relieved, but for what I don't know. "Hey," he greets in a low voice.

More silence.

"So..." Adam drags out the word, his lips forming an 'O'. "How's it going...dude?"

And just like that, the ice is broken as I begin to laugh. "I could ask the same of you...dude. But first, I should probably introduce myself." I clear my throat dramatically and puff my chest. "I'm Andrew Stokes, your brother. I'm nearly eighteen and am commonly called 'the sexiest man alive.'" At this, Hailey chuckles from behind me.

My brother grins, displaying two deep dimples, similar to my--our--mother's. "Obviously, those people have never met me," he replies smoothly. Well, he's just as egotistic as me. Nice to know.

"Anyway," Adam continues. "I'm Adam Stokes-Mikaelson. I'm fifteen and the star pitcher on my school baseball team. And other than that, there's nothing interesting about me."

I scoff. "I'm sure that's not true. You're a Stokes, man. We're the most interesting family on this planet." I'm joking of course. Our family is probably the least interesting people on the planet.

"Hey," Hailey says, offended. "Am I not interesting?"

I turn around to face her. "Yes babe, you're very interesting. So interesting, in fact, that I will spend the rest of the night with you and you can show me just how interesting you are."

She blushes at my comment, hiding behind her stuffed bear. She's so adorable that I almost forget I'm talking to my brother.

"Who are you talking to?" Adam asks.

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