Chapter 8

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Two days later, I decide to go talk to John, since he seems to be the only one that’s not mad at me right now. Besides, I haven’t talked to him a while. Even though there’s a high chance that he’ll kick me out, I could at least try to make amends with him.

Without knocking, I entered his room, which happened to be my first mistake. There John was, standing in the middle of his green room that resembles Andrew’s, naked. He had one of his arms stretched out in front of him holding his phone and snapping pictures. In his camera lens, I could see that he was making seductive faces. It was in the middle of one of these faces, that he noticed me shocked and scarred in the doorway. For a second, he looked embarrassed, a light blush forming on his cheeks. And within a second, his face contorted into a scowl and he grabbed his shirt to cover up his junk, preparing to yell at me. At that point, though, I was running far away from him, screaming; my second mistake.

Andrew immediately appeared from his room and saw me running down the hall like a crazy person. He looked in the direction I was coming from with a concerned look on his face, but his concern faded when he saw John fully clothed and shrugging as if he didn’t know what was wrong with me. Us three were the only ones at the house, so thankfully the adults don’t have to know about this. They all went out to enjoy themselves, and they won’t be back until midnight at the earliest. Unfortunately, I’m stuck with these two lunatic boys until they get back.

When John disappeared back into his room, Andrew whirled on me. I was standing behind him, hiding from John. This childish action earned me a smirk from Andrew.

“Are you insane? I thought something was seriously wrong. I should’ve known it was just you being childish and immature.” He rolled his eyes.

I moved away from him and kept my gaze glued to the floor. “Uh, sorry. There was an… incident.” I meandered around him to get to my room, but I suddenly felt a strong hand grip my arm. I knew the hand belonged to Andrew, but I still couldn’t force myself to look into his eyes. I haven’t been this close to him since our argument.

“Hailey,” Andrew spoke, bending his head to look at my face. “Hailey, look at me.”

His tone of voice wasn’t demanding or rude, it was just normal and somewhat soothing. I guess this is what gave me the guts to look up into his ocean blue eyes. Realizing that our lips were no more than three inches apart, I gulped.

“I’m sorry,” he said.

Wait a second, am I dreaming or did Andrew just apologize to me? Like, a genuine apology? Okay, I must have hit my head on the way out of John’s room, because I’ve officially lost it if I think that Andrew could possibly be apologizing to me. Seriously, that would be absurd.

“I know you don’t believe me, but I shouldn’t have said what I did to you. It was a dick move, and I’m so sorry.” He searched my eyes for any kind of reaction, but I’m pretty sure he only found astonishment.

Okay, so I guess I’m not dreaming and I haven’t gone completely insane. Because Andrew just said that he’s sorry for being an asshole at the hotel. Well, he didn’t say those words exactly, but it was close enough. I gulped again, replying with a simple, “Okay.”

He sighed, his minty breath fanning my face. “So, um, I know I probably don’t deserve it, but do I have your forgiveness?”

Andrew wants my forgiveness? What the hell? I gazed back down at the floor when I spoke. “I don’t know. I’m still upset about what you said. It hurt, a lot.” I looked back into his eyes just to see if he was going to tease me about it. When he said nothing, I backed away and headed down the hall to my room, leaving the door slightly ajar.

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