Chapter 19

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***This chapter is dedicated to all of you guys! You're all so amazing, and I really want you guys to know that. You're the reason I keep writing this book, so thank you! :)***

~Btw, IMPORTANT AUTHOR'S NOTE!! Please read!~


Andrew's POV:

Life is full of surprises, they say. It's full of treachery and disappointment, but you have to keep going with your head up high. And then, you can make it through anything.


Whatever dumbasses came up with that, didn't know my situation.

My parents died only last year, when I was seventeen years old. No, I wasn't a tiny naive child who now remembers nothing about them. I remember everything about them, I just try not to let myself. Every time I think about the way they left me on my own, rage boils inside my veins. The more I remember it, the angrier I get, and the more I feel remorseful of my existence.

I should be dead. I shouldn't be living on this earth with a great woman that I consider a mother. I shouldn't be falling in love.

I don't deserve any of it.

I should've been in the car with them. My parents were the type of people that everbody loves. They were kind and loving, donated to charities, and always showed the best character in public. To put it simply, they were my role models. Or at least, they should've been. No, it's nothing they did, because I obviously just said that they were perfect. It was all my doing.

To put it simply, I was--and still am--a douche. Stayed out way past my curfew, banged girls whenever I felt like it, and talked back to my parents on more than one occasion. I was tired of being labeled as the perfect boy with the perfect parents. I wasn't perfect, and I wanted, no needed, people to know that. I'm not like my parents. Never was, never will be. 

So, what the hell does me being a douche have to do with my parents dying? The answer: more than you know.

Now, I won't go into detail, but instead tell you that it was my car they were driving, it was my text they were reading, and it's MY FAULT that they swerved off the road and died. My own drunken recklessness put me in this situation. Everyone tells me it's not my fault, that it was all a freak accident, and no one's to blame.

I don't believe them.

No one understands why I suddenly started wearing all dark colors, and isolated myself away from everyone I care about. They think its due to depression, or simply a stage that will soon pass. I doubt it will. At least, not anytime soon. Because my actions aren't due to depression. The new me is a reflection of how I see myself: dark like a never-ending black hole. I'm a whirlwind of hurt and pain, of conflict and confusion. Come too close, and you get enveloped and trapped in the darkness with me.

And now, to make the confusion even more overwhelming, I find out I have a brother.

A motherfucking brother!

I could literally feel my jawline harden as I stared daggers at Karen. Hailey's soothing eyes were on me, and fresh round of tears sprang from Karen's eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Andrew," Karen wails. But I barely hear her.

The words in my head are too loud for me to hear anything else right now. Karen's cracking voice repeats redundantly in my mind.

It means you have a brother.

It means you have a brother.

It means I have a brother.

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