Chapter 16

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***I want to dedicate this chapter to @inexplicit, because her books are totally inspiring and I really look up to her writing. My personal fave is Perfect, but they're all so good! So make sure you check out her work, you'll love it!***


That night I had a nightmare.

I was being molested, filthy hands touching me in all the wrong places. When I squirmed, I was hit. When I fought him, I was beaten and choked several times before he continued. We were locked in a small room that I couldn’t quite make out. A soft bed was beneath me, spots of blood staining the covers. It wasn’t until he punched my jaw that I realized the blood was mine.

I tried screaming for help several times, but no one came. No one cared.

Just barely, I could make out Andrew’s muscular figure standing by the door, watching me. Watching everything. He made no attempt to move, or even stop the guy from hurting me. He just stood there. And when I called his name, begging for help, he simply said the words, “I don’t need you,” and left. He left me to choke on my own blood and suffer.

And that’s when I wake up covered in sweat and gasping for air.

The alarm on my phone is buzzing on the nightstand beside my bed, blaring so loudly I can’t hear my own thoughts. With my head pounding, I quickly reach over to turn it off. Doing this, I notice a glass of water and a Tylenol pill sitting beside my phone. A note written on a scrap piece of paper is beside the medication that reads “For the hangover.” For a moment, I can’t figure out why someone would provide me hangover cures, and then, as if to remind me, a throbbing pain shoots through my head. Groaning, I flop back onto my pillow and close my eyes.

It’s only a few minutes before a knock sounds on my door, and instead of using words, I groan and turn over so that I’m now laying on my stomach. The person enters, closing the door behind them lightly, and soon my bed dips as the person sits down.

“Hey,” Andrew’s voice sounds in my ear as his finger traces soft circles against my exposed hip.

I blush, wishing I would’ve pulled my tank top down so the butterflies in my stomach would calm down. Luckily, my face is buried in my pillow.

“How are you feeling?” He asks, fingers still working their magic and casting spells on my body.

I moan in response, which earns me a soft chuckle from Andrew.

“You should take this Tylenol. Works like a charm.” His fingers slipped up under my shirt, grazing my back and sending my head spinning. And not because I have a hangover.

Sighing, I sit up, running my hands through my hair that’s still wavy from last night. The bottom of my stomach is still exposed, but I don’t care enough to do anything about it. I just want sleep. I haven’t met Andrew’s eyes yet, but even without doing so I can tell he’s been watching me, eyes lingering on my exposed skin.

His eyes trail up my body slowly, tongue licking his bottom lip so seductively that I gulp audibly. If I weren’t mad at him about last night, I would’ve kissed him right about now. Finally, his beautiful blue eyes meet mine and he holds my gaze for a few moments before he reaches over to retrieve the pill and water, handing them over to me.

I swallow the pill, drinking some water to wash it down, and then my eyes are on Andrew again, wanting to be the first person to say something, but having no clue what to say.

Apparently, Andrew decides to say it for me. “About last night,” he starts. “I just want to know if you’re okay, considering everything that happened.”

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